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Du kan også endre hvilken kontrollerknapp som tilsvarer hvilken tastaturknapp ved å klikke på bildet av knappen, og deretter trykke på den nye tasten på tastaturet. Anbefal å bytte D-pad nøkler til WASD, og JKLI for andre knapper. Det gjør det lettere å spille. Standard tastaturtaster: Piler Z X A S Skriv inn Backspace Finn ut hvilken nøkkel som gjør. Noen nøkkel gjør ingenting. SPAR fremskritt når som helst ved å sveve musen over spillet, som vil vise mange ikoner nederst i spillet, klikk 8220Down Arrow Icon8221 for å lagre filen på din lokale datamaskin og kom tilbake senere og last den opp ved å klikke på 8220Up-pilen Icon8221. Del på sosiale medier: Sakura Haruno Sakura Uchiha (44 Uchiha Sakura 44 ne Haruno ()) er en kunoichi av Konohagakure. Når hun er tildelt Lag 7. Sakura finner seg raskt uberettiget for en ninjas plikter og komplikasjoner av lagkameratene sine. Ved trening under hennes mester, Tsunade. hun blir i stand til å møte utfordringene i livet til en ninja og hjelpe de som trenger henne. Bakgrunn Sakura som akademi student. Sakura hadde en normal barndom, oppvokst av foreldrene hennes uten alvorlig tragedie eller komplikasjon. Da hun kom inn i Konoha s Ninja Academy. Noen av jentene i klassen hennes begynte å plukke på henne på grunn av hennes store panne. Sakura prøvde å bekjempe deres plage ved å gjemme pannen med henne, men dette viste seg for de andre jentene at det plaget henne og fikk dem til å plage henne enda mer. Ino Yamanaka. en av hennes klassekamerater, så dette, forsvarte Sakura fra sine mobber, og oppfordret henne til å omfavne pannen i stedet for å gjemme den. I løpet av de følgende årene hjalp Inos veiledning og vennskap Sakura til å bli komfortabel med seg selv og utvikle seg til sin egen person. Selv om hun følte seg gjengjeld for Ino for å hjelpe henne, begynte Sakura å føle at hun bodde i Inos-skyggen da hun i stedet ønsket å være Inos lik. På et tidspunkt etter at hun kom inn i akademiet, møtte Sakura Sasuke Uchiha og hun utviklet en forelskelse på ham. Da hun fortalte vennene sine, ble hun overrasket over å lære hvor populært Sasuke var med jentene. Sakura hørte en ryktet om Sasuke ble tiltrukket av jenter med langt hår og hun begynte å la håret vokse for å få oppmerksomheten sin. Et par år senere, da hun lærte at Ino hadde forelsket seg på Sasuke, avsluttet Sakura deres vennskap slik at de kunne konkurrere om Sasukes kjærlighet og dermed begynne en bitter rivalisering mellom dem. I anime nærmet Sakura Ino, og fortalte henne at hun likte Sasuke. Ino tok det for å avslutte sitt vennskap, og begynte å mislikes mot hverandre i begynnelsen av serien. 10 Da Sakura først forsøkte å bekjenne Sasuke, avviste han henne fordi han ikke kjente henne, og hun flyktet ut av frustrasjon og forlegenhet. Hun ventet sin utilfredshet for hans avslag ved å slå et tre og forårsake at hennes indre Sakura blir født. Personlighet I begynnelsen av del I gir Sakura vanligvis det ytre inntrykk av å være høflig overfor sine overordnede, hensynsfull av sine jevnaldrende, og selvsikker. Hun har sporadiske øyeblikk av bashfulness rundt Sasuke Uchiha og konkurranseevne rundt Ino Yamanaka. men ellers ser ganske opp. Denne reservasjonen, selv om det aldri er ubehagelig, maskerer ofte hvordan Sakura virkelig føler: i visse situasjoner har hun uttalt følelser av krenkelse, sjalusi og sinne. I stedet for å vise disse følelsene til andre, projiserer de dem innover, slik at man får uttrykk for hvem hun virkelig er, som er merket Inner Sakura (44 Uchi Naru Sakura) for å få de meninger Sakura ønsker å holde seg til. Inner Sakura. hvis fremtoning er preget av et utrop av Shannar, er på en måte en personlighet skilt fra Sakura selv, et faktum som tillater henne å overvinne Mind Body Switch Technique. 11 På andre tidspunkter er Sakura og Inner Sakura uutslettelig fra hverandre, vanligvis med hensyn til Naruto Uzumaki, hvis Naruto sier eller gjør noe som irriterer eller opprører henne, svarer Sakura med vold, en reaksjon som under andre omstendigheter vil bli delegert til Inner Sakura . Sakuras motivasjon til å bli sterkere. Som del I utvikler seg, blir Sakura i økende grad utsatt for virkelighetene i verden, vanskeligheter som hun ikke kan stole på Inner Sakura å takle. Som en akademisk student lyktes Sakura gjennom å studere alene til stolthet, kunne unngå fysiske forsøk og dermed tillate henne å fokusere på hennes fysiske utseende i et forsøk på å appellere til Sasuke. Som en shinobi. Dette er imidlertid utilstrekkelig: det lange håret hun legger så mye innsats i, er en forpliktelse som motstandere kan bruke mot oppdragene hennes, ikke fullført med bare boksmarts, og det er nødvendig å kunne kjempe slik at andre shinobi ikke vil drepe henne eller hennes lagkamerater. Sistnevnte gjør Sakura spesielt skuffet over seg selv, da hun ikke kan bidra mye i kamp og må stole på Naruto og Sasuke for å redde henne. Hun bestemmer seg for å forandre dette om seg selv og dedikerer nesten tre års trening for å gjøre seg så kvalifisert som Naruto og Sasuke i mellomtiden, blir hun villig til å ofre seg for å beskytte dem og kommer til å verdsette dem begge veldig dypt. 12 Hun ser på Naruto som en modell for dette målet, inspirert av hans hurtige vekst og hans vilje til å være der for henne og alle de han holdt kjære. Når Sakura innser at hun er like uhøflig mot Naruto som Sasuke vanligvis er til henne ved hans oppmuntring, begynner hun å behandle ham bedre, juble for sine prestasjoner og betro henne håp og frykt med ham. Inner Sakura gjør ett utseende helt i begynnelsen av del II og så blir det aldri sett igjen. 13 Dette er fordi Sakura er endelig i kontakt med hennes følelser og er villig til å uttrykke hva hun tenker, en selvbehag hun plukket opp under trening med Tsunade. selv om dette har gjort henne mer følelsesmessig og impulsiv til tider. Hennes voldsomme andor høye utbrudd er, som i del I, ukontrollert og ofte rettet mot Naruto, vanligvis som en reaksjon på hans variasjoner av den sexy teknikken. når han spør henne ut på en dato eller noe hun føler er ute av køen, sammen med når noen gjør noe for å fornærme henne. 14 Sakura tenker ikke lenger naruto på tross av å tro at han er en idiot og sin tidligere stern disparaging oppfatning av ham som blusser til tider. Hun holder nå sine evner med høy respekt, er stadig bekymringsfull for sin sikkerhet og velvære til å føle seg uutholdelig skyld og verdsetter ham som en av hennes nærmeste venner. Til tross for å kritisere Naruto for sin perverterte natur, har Sakura en pervertert side, nyter noe selv Naruto trodde var ekkelt. Sai viser til slutt at han tror Naruto vet Sakura for godt for sin egen god, og stiller seg personlig i fare for å få henne til å føle seg så sakura som lykkelig. Sakura er flyttet til tårer av dette, og føler seg uutholdelig skyldig i det hun føler hun hadde satt Naruto gjennom og til tross for hennes forsøk på å ta ansvar for seg selv under toppmøtet ved å forsøke å håndtere Sasuke selv, finner hun seg fortsatt avhengig av ham på grunn av henne Egen rystende løse koster nesten Sakura livet hennes. Hun bestemmer seg til slutt for å gjøre alt hun kan for ham, prøver å gjøre mer for å støtte ham og hans avgjørelser om Sasuke, prøver å gjøre mer for å hjelpe ham med utfordringene til å være en jinchriki. og slåss ved hans side når det er mulig. Hun er hjulpet i dette målet ved Tsunades innflytelse, som trente henne for å ha forakt for å miste og en ubøyelig vilje 15, vil hun sette seg i fare slik at andre ikke trenger å og forsikre sin allierte seier. 16 Sakura har vært forelsket i Sasuke siden barndommen og fokuserer først på å få sin oppmerksomhet over alt annet. Hennes første forelskelse for ham var forankret av hans gode utseende og ro, samle holdning og hans avslag klarte ikke å avskrekke henne. Etter å ha blitt lagkamerater, oppdaget Sakura Sasukes ufullkommenhet og lidelse, og hennes ønske skiftet til å hjelpe ham så mye hun kunne, noe som førte til at de to ble nærmere og beskyttende mot hverandre, og at hennes følelser kunne utvikle seg til sann kjærlighet. Til tross for å være takknemlig for at hun elsket ham etter at hun bekjenner å hindre ham i å bli defekt fra Konohagakure. Sasuke avviser henne, men takk henne før du drar. 17 Dette avslaget oppfordrer dypt Sakura og driver henne til å be om Naruto for å bringe Sasuke hjem og, når Naruto feiler, motiverer henne til å bli sterkere slik at hun kan få Sasuke tilbake seg selv. 18 Sasuke er imidlertid kaldere til både Sakura og Naruto i Del II: Han viste likegyldighet for dem når de møtes etter mer enn to år, og i øyeblikk av intens hat da han forsøkte å kutte sine band med noen, har han til og med forsøkt å drepe dem. Hun forsøker å skille seg fra sine følelser når Sasuke blir en internasjonal kriminell, forsøker å drepe ham for Konoha og Narutos skyld, og slik at han ikke synker lavere, 19 men hennes kjærlighet til ham viste seg å være for stor for at hun skulle skade ham. 20 Hun fraråder seg for muligheten for at Sasuke er utenfor forløsning, men likevel, selv i slutten av den fjerde Shinobi World War. holder ut håp om at hun kan bety noe for ham. 21 Kakashi sier til Sasuke at Sakura ikke lenger ønsker at han skal returnere sine følelser, og hun vil bare redde ham, selv om det bryter hennes hjerte. Til tross for Sasukes forbrytelser, var Sakura i stand til å tilgi ham etter at han med vennlig hilsen unnskyldte henne for hvor mye han skadet henne. Hun ble også overrasket da han viste et mye mykere punkt med henne og begynte å stikke henne på pannen, en kjærlig gest han hentet fra sin bror. 22 Etter å ha giftet seg med Sasuke, ble Sakura veldig lojal mot ham og til og med nektet å forlate sin side mens hun var gravid med datteren deres, Sarada. Sakura hever Sarada alene på grunn av at Sasuke er borte på sitt oppdrag i mange år, og hun beroliger ofte Sarada at Sasuke elsker dem begge og kommer hjem igjen når hans oppdrag er over. Som mor, er Sakura kjærlig og beskyttende, og har et veldig nært forhold til datteren sin og vil rose henne for hennes prestasjoner like raskt som hun påminner henne om urettferdighet. Selv om Sakura er veldig støttende til Sasukes plikter, er hun skuffet når han plager henne ved å nekte å vise sin kjærlighet. Utseende Sakura har god hud, grønne øyne og rosa hår. I sin ungdom bar hun håret som smør for å dekke hennes store panne og avverge sine klassekamerater som ringer henne pannepike (44 Dekorn 44 English TV: Billboard Brow). Ino Yamanaka oppfordret henne til ikke å gjøre dette og ha håret tilbake i stedet, slik at andre kunne se ansiktet hennes. Senere i hennes akademikarriere lot hun håret bli lengre på grunn av rykter om at Sasuke Uchiha ble tiltrukket av jenter med langt hår. 10 Når hun i løpet av del I innser at langt hår er et sårbarhet i kampsituasjoner, kutter hun håret og holder det under skulderlengden fra det punktet, som hun noen ganger peker opp i en hestehale under arbeidet. 23 Da Sakura blir eldre, er hun kjent for å bli veldig attraktiv, med Jiraiya likening hennes utseende til Tsunades egen. I del I bærer Sakura en rød qipao kjole på forskjellige tidspunkter, enten med eller uten korte ermer som har glidelås og hvite sirkulære mønstre. Hun har også stramme mørkegrønne sykkel shorts, sandaler og standard Konoha pannebeskytter. Fargeillustrasjoner fra manga har en tendens til å skildre henne ved å bruke neglelakk og øyenskygge i del I, som ikke er til stede i anime. I del II består Sakuras typiske antrekk av en rød topp med samme design som den over halvdelen av part I-antrekket. Ledsaget av dette er svarte hansker, lavhæl, knehøye støvler, svarte shorts under en kort grå forkleskjørt og grå albuebeskyttelse (kjolen og albuebeskyttelsen er rosa i anime). Kluten i pannenbeskytteren er forandret til rød og hun begynner å bære en medisinsk veske. Sakura har den vanlige Konoha infantry flak jakken og diverse klær under den fjerde Shinobi World War. Hun får også styrken til en hundre segl i form av en fiolett rhombus på pannen, som fortsatt er synlig etterpå. To år etter den fjerde Shinobi World War. Sakura har en sleeveløs rød qipao kjole som når sine øvre lår, med hvite trimminger og en hvit sirkulær design på baksiden som ligner på del I antrekk, den er bundet med en svart obi. Hun har svarte shorts under kjole, svarte hansker og grå albue og knebeskyttere. Hun har også forandret sine tidligere støvler til vanlige svart, høyhælte ninja sandaler. I voksen alder består Sakuras antrekk av en rød, sleeveløs qipao-topp som utgjør navlen hennes, på baksiden som bærer Uchiha-stammen og faller til knærne. Hun har også lyse bukser og høye hæler. For kamp har Sakura en rød topp som ligner på Part II-en med Uchiha-klanen på ryggen, albuebeskyttere og flattere sandaler. I hjemmet danner hun ofte et langt, hvitt forkle og holder neglene lenge og godt velpleiet. Sakura beseirer dusinvis av Ten-Tails mini-kloner. Som en genin, på grunn av hennes fokus på hennes studier, manglet Sakura noen spesiell kampkunnskap, annet enn de grunnleggende ferdighetene hun lærte i akademiet. Dette begrenset sin rolle i oppdrag i stor grad, til det punktet hvor hun ofte noterte hvor mye hun stolte på lagkameratene, Sasuke og Naruto. når på oppdrag. Bestemt for å forandre seg, gjennomgår hun intensiv trening med Tsunade i to og et halvt år, og øker kraftig hennes evner. Andre bemerket at Sakura uunngåelig ville overgå Tsunade 9 24 og er kjent for endelig å gjøre det ved å mestre og bruke styrken til et hundre segl under den fjerde Shinobi-verdenskrig. 25. To år etter krigen hadde hun blitt en jnin som var motstandsdyktig overfor genjutsu. 26 I voksen alder så Boruto Uzumaki henne som egnet til å erstatte Naruto som Hokage. 27 og Sasuke spekulert på at hun er i stand til å beseire Shin Uchiha selv. 28 Chakra kontroll og fysisk dyktighet En av Sakuras som bare definerer ferdigheter i del I, og faktisk er det eneste hun er konsekvent bedre på enn Naruto eller Sasuke, hennes nøyaktige kontroll over sin egen chakra. 29 En slik nøyaktig bruk av hennes chakra gjør at hun kan utføre en jutsu med maksimal effektivitet uten å kaste bort mye chakra. På grunn av dette, noterte Kakashi Hatake at hun er velegnet for genjutsu. Mens det egentlig aldri settes med genjutsu, men hun ofte kan identifisere når en genjutsu blir brukt 30 og deretter slippe ut seg selv og andre fra det. 31 Sakura decimerer landskapet med sin styrke. Etter å ha trent under Tsunade i over to år, økte Sakuras taijutsu sterkt, 32 sammen med hennes chakra-kontrollevner som sistnevnte ble en hjørnestein for mange av hennes ferdigheter. Ved å bygge opp chakra i hennes knyttneve (og sjelden føttene) og slippe det på kontakt med et mål, gir det henne hva Naruto hele tiden refererer til som monstrous styrke. Når det brukes mot levende mål, kan Sakura knekke bein, rive organer eller drepe med en enkelt streik. For andre mål er Sakuras styrke nok til å ødelegge bygninger, oppreise jorden eller pulverisere rusk som truer seg selv eller andre. Å holde seg uhemmet er avgjørende for Sakuras kampstil, da hun ikke kan oppfylle sin rolle som medisin hvis noe skjer med henne, av den grunn er hun fortsatt veldig våken mot motstandernes bevegelser slik at hun kan hente opp mønstre og dermed vet nøyaktig når og hvordan unngå. 33 Videre viste shes muligheten til å sende chakra gjennom hele kroppen og forbedre sin evne til å tåle knusende slag. 34 Sakura slipper seg. Økende Sakuras tilgjengelig chakraforsyning var et annet mål med tsunadas trening, en som tar lengst for å nå sitt tiltenkte mål: 25 fullføring av styrken til et hundre segl. I tre år lagret Sakura sin chakra i en forsegling på pannen hennes, og på tidspunktet for den fjerde Shinobi-verdenskrig tilbringer hun de såkalte hundre ganger hennes vanlige chakra-nivå. Når selet slippes ut. Sakura har tilgang til alle akkumulerte chakraene, slik at hun kan utføre jutsu i større skala enn hun normalt kan, 35 og blant annet gjøre hennes fysiske angrep enda sterkere. 25 Hun kan også overføre denne chakraen til andre 36 i The Last: Naruto the Movie. Hun er i stand til å fylle opp selv Narutos store reserver, selv om det tar henne tre dager med konstant arbeid å gjøre det. Sakura og Katsuyu helbrede trøtt og skadet. Som Tsunade kan Sakura oppfordre Katsuyu. en gigantisk slug. Ved å ha Katsuyu dele og knytte til andre, kan Sakura eksternt overvåke mange allierte samtidig, helbrede dem og etterfylle deres chakra etter behov. 37 Selv om ikke hennes spesialitet, har Sakura effektiv kompetanse i shurikenjutsu. da hun en gang reddet en fallende Naruto ved å tøye ham opp med skjorten sin med en eneste kunai. Ved den fjerde Shinobi-verdenskrig inkluderer Sakuras naturer jorden. Vann. Yin. og Yang Release. 5 Medisinsk Ninjutsu Sakura (med Ino) helbreder en skade. Hovedformålet med Tsunades trening er å lære Sakura medisinsk ninjutsu og dermed gjøre henne til en medisinsk nin. kvaliteter som krever Sakuras raffinerte chakra kontroll. Som sådan kan Sakura helbrede alle, men de dødeligste skadedyrene til andre, tiden og hennes egne chakra nivåer som tillater 38 Tsunade påpeker at hennes ferdighet for helbredelse er usedvanlig sjelden. 39 Hun kan også bruke sine chakraforsterkede knyttneve sammen med hennes medisinske ferdigheter når hun støtter en fiende med en ekstremt motstandsdyktig kropp, hun helbreder den resulterende skaden og til slutt dreper de berørte cellene fra over-replikering. 40 Ved å frigjøre styrken av hundre segl, kan Sakura legge kroppen sin i en tilstand der den helbreder seg selv, slik at hun ikke trenger å slutte å behandle seg selv eller til og med bli fazed ved skade. 41 I anime kunne hun utføre alene en svært vanskelig operasjon for å regenerere en manglende del av kroppen mens du bruker en del av individer kropp som et medium ved å bruke fire formel linjer for å gjenopprette den manglende delen av kroppen. 42 Sakura ekstraherende gift. Hvis helbredende ninjutsu viser seg ineffektivt, kan Sakura gjøre snitt i hennes pasienter med chakra skalpeller, slik at hun kan prøve å behandle sine pasienter vitale organer direkte. 43 Hun kan også kurere de som har blitt forgiftet: ved å trekke ut giftet fra kroppene sine ved å bruke medisinsk chakra til å presse et medisinsk væske gjennom snittet som trekker giftet ut av den berørte delen for deretter å suspendere den og tvinges ut av kroppen , samtidig som du reparerer skaden noe som til og med gift-eksperter som Chiyo ikke kan gjøre. For å sikre en fullstendig gjenoppretting kan Sakura raskt skape en effektiv motgift etter å ha analysert giftinnholdet, selv for gifter som Sasori ikke trodde noen, men selv kunne gjøre motgift mot. 44 Hennes medisinske kompetanse strekker seg også til mer standardmedisin, slik at hun kan utføre obduksjoner og undersøke celler med kunnskap om genetikk. 45 Fra Tsunade lærer Sakura hvordan man lager stoffer, som rasktvirkende sovende gass. 46 Fra Shizune. hun lærer hvordan man kan konsentrere giftstoffer som, når de er belagt på våpen, kan svekke eller lamme andre fra en enkelt skrape. 47 I anime skapte Sakura sin egen versjon av militære rationspiller som er ment å ha flere medisinske formål og være lettere å konsumere. Intelliganse Sakura fullfører Chnin Exams skriftlig test uten behov for fusk. Mens hun var i akademiet, mottok Sakura konsekvent høye testresultater. 48 Det er på grunn av hennes flid i studiene at Sakura først kjemper i kampsituasjoner, og derfor legges hun til Lag 7 slik at hun kan dra nytte av den mer kamporienterte Naruto og Sasuke omvendt, ville de dra nytte av sin store kunnskap utgangspunkt. Hun kunne svare på den skriftlige delen av Chnin-eksamenene selv, noe genin er ikke ment å kunne gjøre. 49 Sakuras intelligens er likevel konsekvent nyttig, noe som gjør henne observasjonell nok til å gjette motstandernes taktikk fra en kort skanning av slagmarken og hente på ellers mindre uoverensstemmelser i samtalen 24 50 Sasuke anser hennes analytiske ferdigheter overlegen til Sharingan hans. 30 Hun har utmerket tilbakekalling, i stand til raskt å sette sammen flere biter av informasjon shes som tidligere kommer over for å danne en hypotese. 51 I virkelig kamp er Sakura ofte avhengig av villedende motstandere, enten ved å la dem tro at de har smurt henne slik at de senker vakt eller 52 i del II, slik at de tror at de har slått henne så de kommer til henne, slik at hun kan beseire dem med en enkelt slag. 50 Prologue Land of Waves Team 7s gruppebilde. Ved utdannelse fra Akademiet og tildelt Team 7. Sakura blir først ødelagt når hun lærer at Naruto Uzumaki skal være en av lagkameratene, hun er umiddelbart etterpå ekstatisk å lære at Sasuke Uchiha skal være hennes andre lagkamerat. Hun forsøker å knytte seg til Sasuke ved å angi hennes misunnelse av Narutos mangel på foreldre, men dette forstyrrer bare Sasuke, som forteller henne at hun er irriterende. Sakura er skadet, og ved å innse at hun sier lignende ting til Naruto, bestemmer seg for å prøve å være bedre for ham. Team 7s leder, Kakashi Hatake. tester sine kvalifikasjoner med en klokkprøve. sier at hvilken av de tre som tar en av de to klokkene på hans person, vil offisielt bli genin. Mens Naruto jobber selv angriper Kakashi, søker Sakura ut Sasuke for å se om hun kan hjelpe ham. Kakashi finner henne under hennes søk og beseirer henne med en illusjon av Sasuke som dør Naruto og Sasuke blir også beseiret. Kakashi forklarer etterpå at målet med testen var å bruke samarbeid, å gjøre sammen hva ingen av dem kunne gjøre alene. Han er overbevist om å tillate dem å prøve igjen etter lunsj, men instruerer Sasuke og Sakura om ikke å mate Naruto. Sasuke feirer ham likevel, trenger ham i toppform hvis de skal jobbe sammen, og Sakura gjør det samme. Kakashi ser dette, og fordi de bryr seg mer om laget enn å lytte til instruksjonene, lar dem alle passere. Lag 7 som beskytter Tazuna. Etter en rekke uneventful D-rang-oppdrag, kan Naruto sikre et C-rang-oppdrag for Team 7: eskortere Tazuna til Land of Waves. Kort etter at de forlot Konoha, blir de angrepet av Demon Brothers. som går etter Tazuna Sakura legger seg umiddelbart foran Tazuna for å beskytte ham og står bakken til Kakashi fanger brødrene. Tazuna bekjenner at snikmorder har blitt ansatt for å drepe ham, men at han ikke hadde råd til bodyguarddetaljene han trenger. Selv om oppdraget nå er A-rang i naturen langt utover geniens ferdighet, bestemmer Team 7 å fortsette med det. Når de kommer til Land of Waves og blir angrepet av Zabuza Momochi. Sakura beskytter igjen Tazuna mens Kakashi, og senere Naruto og Sasuke, kjemper Zabuza. Zabuza er til slutt tilsynelatende drept av Haku. slik at Team 7 kan eskortere Tazuna tilbake til huset sitt. Kakashi finner Zabuzas død mistenksom og bestemmer seg for å trene laget i tilfelle han kommer tilbake. Han har dem utføre Tree Climbing Practice for å forbedre deres chakra kontroll, noe som vil hjelpe dem mot Zabuza. Sakura mester øvelsen på sitt første forsøk, og dermed forlater henne ansvaret for å beskytte Tazuna mens Naruto og Sasuke trener og Kakashi gjenoppretter fra sin kamp med Zabuza. Etter en uke går resten av laget sammen med henne, men når de kommer til broen som Tazuna har jobbet med, finner de Zabuza og Haku som venter på dem. Sasuke og senere Naruto bekjempe Haku mens Kakashi kjemper Zabuza, igjen igjen Sakura ansvaret for å beskytte Tazuna. Den tykke tåken hindrer henne i å se hvordan kampen mot Haku går, så hun er overrasket når Haku plutselig forstyrrer Kakashis kamp med Zabuza og blir drept. Sakura gråter for Sasuke. Når Naruto kommer på jakt etter Haku, spør Sakura ham hvor Sasuke er. Når Naruto nekter å svare, blir Sakura bekymret, men blir satt fordi hun ikke kan forlate Tazunas side. Når Tazuna tilbyr å komme med henne, leder hun raskt ham til hvor Sasuke er og finner ham tilsynelatende død. Overvinne med følelser, bryter Sakura bevisst Shinobi-reglene og roper for ham. Når Sasuke senere våkner, omfavner Sakura ham, forklarer at Haku har blitt drept, og deler nyheten om Sasukes overlevelse med Naruto. Zabuza dør også, slik at lag 7 kan komme tilbake til Konoha når deres skader heler via Tazunas nybygde Great Naruto Bridge. Chnin Eksamen Hovedartikkel: Chnin Exams Team 7 gjenopptar sin serie av unremarkable oppdrag. Etter å ha kommet tilbake fra et oppdrag forsøker Sakura å tilbringe litt tid med Sasuke, som avviser henne. Dette plasserer Sakura i dårlig humør, noe som får henne til å slå ut først på Naruto når han foreslår at Konohamaru Sarutobi at han og Sakura daterer, og så på Konohamaru når han fornærmer henne for å skade Naruto. Alt dette tiltrekker oppmerksomheten til Sunagakure s Three Sand søsken. som har kommet til Konoha for å delta i Chnin-eksamenene. Sasuke vender tilbake og driver Sand Siblings, og senere møtes Kakashi med dem for å komme inn i Chnin-eksamenene også. Han forsømmer å nevne at de må gå inn som et lag, bekymret for at Sakura bare kan delta på grunn av Sasuke, og det er så glad når hun selvstendig bestemmer seg for å delta. Før Chnin-eksamenene begynner, møtes Sakura av Rock Lee. hvem spør henne om å gå ut med ham og tilbyr å beskytte henne med sitt liv. Sakura nekter neppe, blir plaget av øyenvipper, hårstil og tykke øyenbryn. For Chnin-eksamenene i første etappe får deltagergenet en skriftlig test med ti spørsmål. Fra å se på spørsmålene, innser Sakura at spørsmålene er for kompliserte for de fleste genene, spesielt Naruto, for å kunne svare uten å snyte Sakura selv er i stand til å svare på de første ni spørsmålene alene. Før du blir gitt det tiende spørsmålet, blir genene advart om at hvis de svarer feil, vil de aldri få lov til å ta Chnin-eksamenene igjen. Sakura blir bekymret for at Naruto er for stolt av å ikke prøve å svare på spørsmålet, og at når han uunngåelig gir feil svar, vil hans diskvalifikasjon ødelegge drømmene hans om å bli Hokage. Hun forbereder seg til å miste på hans vegne, men Naruto insisterer på å svare på det tiende spørsmålet uansett hva som får henne til å forandre seg. For deres vilje til å møte det tiende spørsmålet til tross for de potensielle konsekvensene, går Team 7 og gjenværende slekt til den andre fasen. For andre etappe går lagene inn i Forest of Death for en fem dagers overlevelseutfordring. Kort etter at den andre fasen begynner, blir Team 7 angrepet av Orochimaru. hvem Sasuke og Sakura, sensing hans drepende hensikt. innse er altfor sterk for dem å kjempe. Sasuke prøver å overgi seg i bytte for sine liv, men Naruto insisterer på å bekjempe Orochimaru uansett. Både Sasuke og Sakura er overrasket over hvor godt Naruto gjør, selv om han i siste omgang er beseiret og banket bevisstløs. Sakura peker ham til et tre med en kunai for å hindre ham i å falle og observerer Sasuke at Naruto, til tross for alle hans mangler, ikke er en fei. Dette overbeviser Sasuke for å bekjempe Orochimaru også, Orochimaru blir imponert av Sasuke, og før han forlater, merker han Sasuke med en forbannet Seal of Heaven. som også gir ham bevisstløshet. Sakura kutter håret hennes. Sakura flytter Naruto og Sasuke til et bortgjemt område hvor hun ser over dem gjennom natten. Om morgenen blir de sporet av Team Dosu. Orochimarus underlings som har instruksjoner om å drepe Sasuke. De omgår de booby-feller hun lagt tidligere og beveger seg inn på henne, men hun er reddet av Rock Lee. Lee bekjemper Team Dosu av seg selv og planlegger å gjøre godt på sitt tidligere løfte om å beskytte henne, men blir til slutt beseiret. Sakura begynner å angripe Team Dosu selv, men hun er støttet av Kin Tsuchi. hvem griper henne ved håret og berates henne for hvor mye tid hun tydeligvis bruker på det. Sakura kutter håret for å frigjøre seg selv og begynner å angripe, utholdende til tross for Zaku Abumis mange kontringsangrep. Det er bestemt å ikke behøve hjelp fra andre, og motivert av Naruto og Sasuke. Sakura stopper Sasuke. Sakuras mod overbeviser observerende Ino Yamanaka og resten av Team 10 for å komme til forsvaret sitt. Lag 10 kjemper Team Dosu til de blir avbrutt av Sasuke, gjennomsyret av kraften i hans forbannede segl. Når han ser Sakuras skader, bryter Sasuke Zakus armer i straff og truer med å gjøre det samme med resten av laget sitt. Sakura er forferdet av sine handlinger og omfavner ham og ber ham om å stoppe. Sasukes forbannet segl avtar og han overholder Team Dosu retreats, og lag 7, 10 og Lees Team Guy regroup. Når Naruto våkner, gjør han narr av Les øyenbryn, og ber om at Sakura slår ham. Før de går sine egne veier, lover Lee til Sakura at han vil bli sterkere. Sakura og Ino banker hverandre ut. Team 7 tilbringer flere dager på nytt fra prøvingen, men de er i stand til å nå sentrum av skogen i tide for å gå videre til Chnin Exams-foreløpig: en serie av en-mot-en-kvalifiserende kamper. Sakura prøver å overbevise Sasuke om ikke å delta på grunn av hans forbannede segl, men han ignorerer henne og insisterer på at det er hans virksomhet og ikke hennes. For hennes kamp er Sakura paret mot Ino. De begynner med å handle fornærmelser og deretter slå, overraskende Ino fordi Sakura viser seg lik i begge kategorier. Frustrert, Ino følger Sakuras tidligere eksempel ved å kutte håret, en ruse som tillater henne å immobilisere Sakura mens hun bruker sin kroppssyklusteknikk. I kontroll over Sakuras kropp forsøker Ino å få henne til å miste kampen, men hun blir stoppet og utryddet av Inner Sakura. De er begge utmattet av dette, men bytter ut en siste slag, banker begge ute. Når Sakura våkner, informerer Ino henne om at deres kamp ble avgjort, og derfor vil ingen av dem fortsette til siste runder. Til tross for dette bestemmer de seg for å gjenopplive sitt vennskap, men kan ikke hjelpe, men fortsetter å bitte over Sasuke. Sakura ser på de resterende kampene, inkludert Lees match med Gaara. der Lee mister og er skadet sårt. Noen dager senere besøker Sakura sykehuset for å se Sasuke, men oppdager at han allerede er tatt bort av Kakashi. Mens hun er der, ser hun Lee trening til tross for hans skader, og får ham til å falle bevisstløs som følge av at hun forlater blomsten hun brakte til Sasuke med ham i stedet. Sakura bekymrer seg for Sasuke i løpet av den neste måneden, spesielt når han mangler for sin kamp med Gaara i finalen. Han viser til slutt (sen), og Sakura klokker med interesse. Konoha Crush Sakura forsvarer Sasuke. Sasukes kamp blir avbrutt av en invasjon av Konoha, og en genjutsu kommer ned på stadion hvor finalen holdes, og setter de fleste av publikum til å sove. Sakura er i stand til å ødelegge genjutsu, og tiltrekker seg oppmerksomheten til invaderende Otogakure-styrker. Hun er reddet av Kakashi, som instruerer henne om å våkne Naruto og Shikamaru Nara. Hun gjør det (selv om Shikamaru bare lurte på å sovne) og når de er samlet, sender Kakashi dem og Pakkun etter Sasuke, som driver Gaara. Oto-nin begynner å følge dem, så Shikamaru faller bak for å forsinke dem. Naruto og Sakura tar opp Sasuke i tide for å redde ham fra en av Gaaras angrep. Når Gaara ser Sakuras vilje til å forsvare Sasuke, banker han henne bevisstløs og binder henne til et tre. Her bindings dissolve when Gaara is defeated, which Sakura assumes she has Sasuke to thank for. Sasuke corrects her when they get back to Konoha, explaining that it was Naruto who saved her. A few days later, Team 7 attends the Third Hokage s funeral. Land of Tea Escort Mission Main article: Land of Tea Escort Mission In the anime, Team 7 is sent to the Land of Tea to protect Idate Morino as he runs a race. When Team Oboro and later Aoi Rokush try to stop Idate, Naruto and Sasuke fight them while Sakura remains alert for opportunities for Idate to run to safety. Sasuke is eventually knocked out by Aoi, and Sakura looks after him until Aoi is defeated by Naruto. After Idate wins the race, Team 7 returns to Konoha. Sasuke Recovery Mission Sakura attempting to stop Naruto and Sasuke. Sakura visits Sasuke everyday while hes in the hospital, tearfully hugging him once he finally regains consciousness. She continues looking after him as he recovers, but he repels her kindness, angered by his earlier defeat by his brother, Itachi Uchiha. When Naruto comes to see him, Sasuke challenges him to a fight, which Naruto agrees to over Sakuras protests. She watches as they exchange attacks on the hospital roof, but decides she cant let things continue when Sasuke prepares a Chidori and Naruto prepares a Rasengan. She runs between them to stop them, but neither is able to pull away in time Kakashi appears and flings them apart, saving Sakura. Sasuke storms off and Kakashi, before he follows, promises Sakura that hell set things right. Sasuke thanks Sakura. Sakura takes Naruto aside afterwards and tells him about the cursed seal Sasuke received from Orochimaru, which shed until now kept from him at Sasukes request. She shares her concerns that Orochimaru is trying to tempt Sasuke to defect from Konoha, but Naruto assures her that Sasuke would never do that. This comforts her at the time, but she continues to worry and, that night, waits at the villages exit. Sasuke eventually approaches with his belongings, confirming her fears. Sasuke tells her to go home, but Sakura refuses, instead asking why he always pushes her away and reminding him of all the good times Team 7 has had. She tries to persuade him to stay so that she wont be alone and, when that doesnt work, argues that his revenge against Itachi isnt worth it. When Sasuke remains determined to go, Sakura tells him she loves him and offers to go with him. Sasuke tells her that she is annoying, just as he did after Team 7s formation. Sakura threatens to scream for help, so he knocks her out he thanks her before he does. Sakura asking Naruto to bring back Sasuke. Sakura is found on a bench the next morning, and when she wakes up she sends word to Tsunade. the new Hokage, that Sasuke has defected. The Sasuke Recovery Team is formed to go after him, which Sakura approaches as they prepare to set out from Konoha. Sakura begs Naruto to bring Sasuke back to Konoha, believing he is the only person who can get through to him at this point. Naruto vows to do so, even if it takes his entire life, and Sakura cries at his dedication to her. Despite his promise, Naruto is unable to bring Sasuke back. Sakura visits him in the hospital and, after trying to avoid the subject, tells him that she wont hold him to his word. Naruto, however, refuses to go back on what he said. Touched, Sakura apologises to Naruto for what hes gone through and promises to personally help him bring Sasuke back next time. Land of Rice Fields Investigation Mission Sakura training under Tsunade. In the anime, Sakura accompanies Naruto and Jiraiya to the Land of Rice Fields to investigate one of Orochimarus lairs and potentially retrieve Sasuke. The mission ends in failure. When they get back to Konoha, Sakura, as in the manga, asks to become Tsunades apprentice so that she can better meet the challenges shell face in the future. Tsunade accepts. Mizuki Tracking Mission Main article: Mizuki Tracking Mission In the anime, Sakura focuses on her training, preventing her from helping Naruto with many of the missions he goes on. When he returns from one such mission, she informs him that shes succeeded in healing a fish. Mix it, Stretch it, Boil it Up Burn Copper Pot, Burn Main article: Mix it, Stretch it, Boil it Up Burn Copper Pot, Burn In the anime, Sakura helps Naruto and Chji Akimichi rescue Ayame. To save her from the cooking-nin. they must prepare the perfect ramen Sakura contributes by pounding the dough of the noodles into shape. Konoha Plans Recapture Mission Main article: Konoha Plans Recapture Mission In the anime, Sakura and Ino examine a corpse believed to be that of Genn. They conclude that it is not actually him. Yakumo Kurama Rescue Mission Main article: Yakumo Kurama Rescue Mission In the anime, Sakura helps Naruto protect Yakumo Kurama from the Kurama clan. When Kurenai Yhi is injured during the fight, Sakura heals her wounds. Gantetsu Escort Mission Main article: Gantetsu Escort Mission In the anime, Sakura, Naruto, and Lee guard Gantetsu as he is transferred to prison. Sunagakure Support Mission Main article: Sunagakure Support Mission In the anime, Sakura and the rest of the Konoha 11 are sent to Sunagakure to help the Sand Siblings in their fight with the Four Celestial Symbols Men Sakura heals Gaara during his fight with Suiko. Ino, jealous of Sakuras new-found healing abilities, asks to train with Sakura to be a medical-nin. Sakura agrees, but Ino is dismayed when Sakura reminds her that she will be her junior during the course of their training. In Narutos Footsteps: The Friends Paths Sakura as part of Team 10. In the anime, about two years after Naruto leaves Konoha to train, another Chnin Exam is held. Because participants must enter as part of three-man teams, Ino invites Sakura to be Shikamarus replacement on Team 10 since Shikamaru is already a chnin. During the first exam, Sakura, Ino, and Chji are seated in different rooms and are tasked with getting a combined score of exactly 100 points on their written test despite their separation. Ino telepathically contacts Sakura and Chji in order to assign which questions to answer. After the initial testing period is over, they are given a bonus question: each team must unanimously select one of their members to disqualify from the rest of the exams. Team 10 selects nobody, which is the correct answer and which qualifies them for the next phase. Sakura facing Ameno. Those who pass the first exam must reach the Demon Desert within three days in order to participate in the second exam. Team 10 successfully does so and they are given the same objective as they had in the exam several years ago: obtain a scroll from another team. They wander through the desert for three days, losing their provisions to an Ame - team. 53 While recuperating at an oasis, they are attacked by Team Ameno. Ino once again telepathically links with Sakura and Chji to coordinate their attacks and help them locate their attackers, resulting in Team Amenos defeat. Once Sakura and Ino heal their injuries, Team Ameno offers them their scroll. However, theirs is the same scroll that Team 10 already has, so they are allowed to keep it. They go their separate ways, agreeing to meet again in the third exam. 54 Sakura and the other genin being promoted to chnin. Team 10 is later attacked by Team Saya. Saya possesses Inos mind and forces her to attack Sakura. When Chji, meanwhile, begins overwhelming Sayas teammates, Saya possesses his mind instead, and she forces him to attack Sakura using his Super Multi-Size Technique. 55 Ino is able to release Chji, forcing Team Saya to retreat. Team 10 is afterwards trapped in a sandstorm. during which Ino and Chji are poisoned by a cloaked Mamushi. Sakura escapes the sandstorm, defeats Team Saya, and then returns to heal Ino and Chji. 56 Team 10 is eventually found by one of the exams proctors, who brings them to where all of the other genin are being assembled. They are informed that the Chnin Exams have been cancelled reports on the participants performances will be sent back to their villages, leaving their promotion up to their superiors. When they get back to Konoha, Tsunade promotes Sakura, Ino, and Chji to chnin. 57 Kazekage Rescue Mission Main article: Kazekage Rescue Mission Tsunade informs Sakura of Narutos return after two-and-a-half years of training. She goes to greet him and is initially glad that hes back, but is violently disappointed when he quickly gets back into a competition of Sexy Techniques with Konohamaru Sarutobi. Kakashi reforms Team 7 with them and gives them another bell test. though unlike last time, taking the bells from him is the real objective. Kakashi vanishes shortly after the test begins and Sakura, after determining that hes nowhere above ground, concludes hes below ground. To force him out, she shatters the earth with Cherry Blossom Impact. frightening both Kakashi and Naruto. Despite their improved abilities, neither Sakura nor Naruto are able to get a bell through conventional means, and it is only by Narutos threat to spoil the latest Icha Icha book that they are able to lower Kakashis guard long enough to take his bells. While Team 7 tries without success to find a mission to go on that Naruto wont complain about, word reaches Konoha that Akatsuki has kidnapped Gaara. the Kazekage. Team 7 is sent to Sunagakure to lend assistance in rescuing Gaara. On their way to Suna, Naruto explains that Gaara was kidnapped because he is the jinchriki of the One-Tail. just as Naruto is the jinchriki of the Nine-Tails. When they reach Suna, they are informed that Kankur was poisoned by Akatsuki member Sasori in his failed attempt to rescue Gaara, and that none of the villages medics can heal him. Sakura is able to remove the poison from his body. from which she prepares some antidotes, impressing Chiyo. Chiyo, Sasoris grandmother, ultimately decides to accompany Team 7 as they leave to find Gaara, helping them navigate the local country. Sakura destroys Hiruko. On their way to the Akatsuki lair where Gaara has been taken, they are met by Itachi Uchiha. the brother who Sasuke defected from Konoha in order to kill. Although eager to face him, Sakura must leave most of the fighting to Kakashi due to his Sharingan when Naruto is trapped in Itachis genjutsu, Sakura and Chiyo release him. The Itachi is eventually discovered to be an impostor. so they continue to the Akatsuki lair. They meet Team Guy there, who takes down the barrier over the entrance so that Team 7 can get in. Deidara flies off with Gaaras body as soon as they enter, and Naruto and Kakashi pursue him, leaving Sasori to Sakura and Chiyo. Chiyo informs Sakura that what appears to be Sasori is actually one of his puppets. Hiruko. She also warns that all of Hirukos weapons are likely coated with poison. With this in mind, Chiyo guides Sakura to Hiruko unharmed, allowing her to destroy it. Sakura landing a devastating punch on Sasori. With Hiruko gone, Sasori starts using his human puppet of the Third Kazekage. Although it initially appears no different from a standard puppet, such that Chiyo is able to fight it with her Mother and Father puppets, the puppet is discovered to have access to the Thirds Iron Sand. which has also been imbued with poison. The Iron Sand neutralises the Mother and Father puppets and then forms into blocks. which Sakura, with Chiyos guidance again, is able to punch away. Sasoris Iron Sand World Method proves more difficult to avoid and Sakura receives several scratches, causing her to collapse from the poison. She is able to administer the antidote, however, allowing her to destroy the Third when it moves in to finish her off. Angered by this, Sasori reveals that his own body is a puppet now and he goes after Chiyo. Sakura intercepts him and destroys his body, but hes able to reassemble it. Sasori brings out his Hundred Puppet Army and Chiyo brings out her Ten Puppet Collection of Chikamatsu. While the two sides battle, Sakura moves closer to Sasori and places a seal on him. Sasori is able to transfer his living core to another puppet before the seal connects, sneaks up on Chiyo, and attacks. Sakura shields the attack with her body and is both fatally wounded and poisoned. While Chiyo gives her the final antidote, Sasori attacks Chiyo again, only to fall into her trap and have his core stabbed by the Mother and Father puppets. Chiyo then heals Sakuras wound. Having guessed that Sakura was able to create an antidote for his poison something he thought was impossible Sasori decides to reward her before he dies: he tells her of a spy his was within Orochimaru s ranks who he had plans to meet in Kusagakure in ten days. Chiyo collapses once hes dead, but refuses Sakuras offer to take her back to Suna to make another antidote. At Chiyos request, Sakura carries her to Naruto and Kakashi, who have managed to retrieve Gaara. Sakura attempts to revive Gaara, but the removal of the One-Tail has caused him to die. Chiyo uses the Ones Own Life Reincarnation on him, bringing him back to life at the cost of her own. As the jutsu nears completion, Chiyo warns Sakura not to risk her life to protect someone as old as she is again, believing Sakura is too valuable. Gaara is successfully resurrected and, a few days later, Teams 7 and Guy attend Chiyos funeral in Sunagakure before returning home. Tenchi Bridge Reconnaissance Mission Main article: Tenchi Bridge Reconnaissance Mission With the intel gained from Sasori, Team 7 begins planning to meet the spy in the hopes that it will help them reunite with Sasuke. Kakashi is left bedridden from his fight with Deidara, requiring Yamato to lead Team 7 as his replacement. The Konoha Council also requires that Sai be assigned to Team 7 as Sasukes replacement. Naruto immediately dislikes Sai, declaring him an inferior version of Sasuke. Sai is happy for this distinction and proceeds to degrade Sasuke for defecting from Konoha. This angers Sakura and she hits him, forcing Yamato to use his wood release to break up their fight. Despite this incident, Sakura has difficulty holding a grudge against Sai due to his lack of emotion or interpersonal connections. She therefore tries to mediate between Naruto and Sai, explaining to Sai the brotherly bond that Naruto feels to Sasuke. When this fails to make an impression, Sakura gives up on Sai and puts up with him only because they need his help to find Sasuke. Team 7 confronts Orochimaru and Kabuto. Yamato disguises himself as Sasori and goes to the Tenchi Bridge to meet the spy while Naruto, Sakura, and Sai hide nearby. The spy, Kabuto Yakushi. begins telling Yamato about Orochimarus organisation, but they are interrupted by the appearance of Orochimaru, who teams up with Kabuto to fight Yamato, having intended to kill Sasori. Team 7 comes to his aid and Orochimaru, recognising them, taunts Naruto about Sasuke. Naruto is enraged and strikes him, using the Nine-Tails power to make his attacks more devastating. The Tenchi Bridge starts to collapse from the stress of his chakra and Sakura is knocked unconscious in the process. She is saved and revived by Yamato, and is then horrified by the damage that Naruto is causing to the surroundings. Sakura healing Naruto. Orochimaru is eventually able to force Naruto away from himself and closer to Sakura and Yamato. Seeing the lengths hes going to in order to retrieve Sasuke from Orochimaru, Sakura tries to reason with him, but his version 2 form leaves him unable to tell friend from foe and he attacks her. While Yamato restrains Naruto with his wood release, Kabuto heals Sakuras wound, his thanks to Team 7 for killing Sasori. Yamato is able to suppress the Nine-Tails influence, but its chakra leaves his body badly damaged. Sakura heals him, but is upset that its the only thing she can do to help him. When Naruto wakes up he cant remember what happened and assumes Sakuras tears are because of something Sai said, which she doesnt correct. When they realise that Sai is missing, Yamato reports that he has joined with Orochimaru and Kabuto. Sakura attacks Sasuke. Having placed a trace on Sai, Yamato is able to lead Naruto and Sakura to him and by extension Orochimarus lair. They infiltrate it, locate Sai, and restrain him so that they can go looking for Sasuke. Kabuto finds them and releases Sai to help him fight them, but Sai restrains him instead, curious about the bond that Naruto keeps saying he has with Sasuke Sai goes searching through Orochimarus lair in search of Sasuke on Narutos behalf. While hes gone, Yamato goes through his belongings and finds evidence that Sai has been assigned to assassinate Sasuke. They go after him in order to stop him. When they find him, he explains that he truly does want to help retrieve Sasuke, and in fact has already found him: Sakura and Naruto are speechless to see Sasuke again, but Sasuke reacts with indifference to them. To demonstrate that they mean nothing to him, Sasuke quickly neutralises them all, except Sakura who prepares to attack him. Sasuke is about to counter her attack before Yamato saves her. He then prepares to kill them, but is persuaded not to by Orochimaru and leaves without further comment. Defeated, a tearful Sakura tells a devastated Naruto they need to get stronger and Team 7 returns to Konoha. Twelve Guardian Ninja Sakura defeats Fuen. In the anime, Yamato leads Team 7 on a mission to the Fire Temple to investigate a series of grave robberies. During the course of the investigation, Team 7 is separated by an earthen maze. Sakura is attacked within the maze by a giant spider, but shes saved by Sai, whose arm breaks in the process. She tends his injury and they reunite with Naruto and Yamato, but the grave robbers escape. Team 7 returns to Konoha, and when the grave robbers attack the village, Sakura is drawn into battle with Fuen. Sakura pretends to fall victim to Fuens genjutsu, allowing her to punch and defeat Fuen when she moves in to finish Sakura off. Akatsuki Suppression Mission Main article: Akatsuki Suppression Mission Kakashi assembles Naruto, Sakura, and Sai to discuss their failed mission to retrieve Sasuke. Sakura shares her suspicion that Sasukes skills have been boosted with medication, as his growth rate is unnaturally high. Kakashi believes the best way to prepare them for another encounter with Sasuke is for Naruto to invent a new jutsu. Once he finally does so after many days of training, Team 7 is sent to help Team 10 in their battle with Akatsuki. Sakura and Sai are sent to provide backup for Shikamaru Nara during his fight with Hidan while everyone else focuses on Kakuzu. When they locate Shikamaru, however, they discover that hes already defeated Hidan. Naruto elsewhere defeats Kakuzu with his jutsu, after which they go back to Konoha. Narutos new jutsu injures his arm after use, which Sakura treats in Konoha. Because he has difficulty using the arm while it mends, Sakura tries to help him eat when they visit Ramen Ichiraku. but Sai insists on the responsibility. As they leave afterwards, they are met by Konohamaru, who demonstrates his Sexy: Girl on Girl Technique Naruto approves but Sakura is disgusted and violently reprimands him. In the manga, Konohamaru responds with Sexy: Boy on Boy Technique Sakura approves but Naruto is disgusted and violently reprimands him. Sakura tries to make an excuse when she realises how she reacted, but Konohamarus suspicions that Sakura is just as much a pervert as he is are confirmed. Three-Tails Appearance Main article: Three-Tails Appearance In the anime, Team 7 is sent to help Team 8 in their fight with Team Guren. When they come across the Three-Tails during the course of the mission, Sakura is assigned to a team responsible for sealing it due to her excellent chakra control. They are interrupted by Team Guren before they can complete the Four-Corner Sealing Barrier. and Sakura tends to the wounded after the Three-Tails goes on a rampage. When Team Guren is defeated, they are recalled to Konoha. Itachi Pursuit Mission Teams 7 and 8 set out. News reaches Konoha that Sasuke has killed Orochimaru. Realising that this is a good opportunity to try once again to reunite with Sasuke, Kakashi combines Teams 7 and 8 into an Eight Man Squad with the mission to find either Sasuke or his assumed target, Itachi. They split up to look for leads on either Uchiha because she doesnt have any particular tracking skills, Kakashi pairs Sakura with two ninken. Shiba and Bisuke. They briefly pick up on the trail of one of Sasukes new teammates, Karin. but they dont realise this and lose the trail shortly afterwards. Fated Battle Between Brothers Main article: Fated Battle Between Brothers After they regroup, Kiba Inuzuka is able to detect Sasukes scent and they start to follow it. Along the way they are met by Tobi of Akatsuki, who prevents them from progressing and who is invulnerable to their attacks. Tobi leaves when he receives news that Sasuke has killed Itachi, and Teams 7 and 8 try to reach Sasuke before he does. Unable to find where Tobi has taken Sasuke, they are forced to return to Konoha. Six-Tails Unleashed Main article: Six-Tails Unleashed In the anime, they are intercepted by a new assignment to help the Tsuchigumo clan protect its forbidden technique. Kakashi takes Team 8 back to Konoha while Yamato leads Team 7 on the mission. During the mission, Sakura helps fight the Magaki group and the villagers who are under Shiranami s control. Once Shiranami is stopped, Team 7 returns to Konoha. Pains Assault Sakura kills Pains giant centipede. Sakura is present when Naruto is informed that Jiraiya died while investigating the leader of Akatsuki, Pain. She defends Tsunade when Naruto blames her for his death, and then again when Shikamaru tries to get out of helping decipher one of the clues that Jiraiya left behind, aware that Tsunade is grieving over Jiraiya. Sakura later tries to help Shikamaru decipher the clue, but is interrupted by the invasion of Pain. Sakura heads for the Konoha Hospital. along the way saving a group of civilians from Pains giant centipede. She assists with healing the injured once she gets to the hospital, doing as much as she can despite there being more people in need of care than medics available. When Pain destroys Konoha, Sakura and the rest of the villagers are saved by Tsunade with the help of Katsuyu. Tsunade is exhausted by the effort, so Sakura looks after her while Naruto fights Pain. During the battle, Sakura senses Naruto entering another version 2 form as a result of Pains attack on Hinata Hyga. She has Katsuyu relay a message to the villagers to retreat to a safe distance while she treats Hinata. Naruto ultimately defeats Pain and, when he returns to the village, Sakura punches him for taking such a risk and then embraces him as thanks. Past Arc: The Locus of Konoha Main article: Past Arc: The Locus of Konoha Sakura and Shizune stay with Tsunade as the village starts to rebuild. In the anime, they give Tsunades various visitors updates on her condition. Five Kage Summit Main article: Five Kage Summit Sakura informs Naruto that Tsunade is in a coma and that theres nothing that can be done to bring her out of it. While they talk, they are approached by Tazuna and Inari. who have come to help rebuild Konoha. They ask about Sasuke, who which Naruto avoids going into detail about so as to spare them and Sakura a discussion about Sasukes defection. After Tazuna and Inari leave, they receive news that Danz Shimura has become the next Hokage and that he has ordered Sasuke be killed as a traitor. Naruto and Sakura approach Sai to ask him how they can convince Danz to change his mind, but Sai is unable to help. Omoi and Karui of Kumogakure overhear them talking about Sasuke and they ask for information about Sasuke, wishing to kill him for his role in Akatsukis capture of Killer B. This news upsets Sakura greatly to the point of tears, so Naruto leads Omoi and Karui away to spare her further distress. In the anime, while watching over a comatose Tsunade, Shizune confirms what she heard about Sasuke working with Akatsuki, which once again left Sakura on the verge of tears and hoping that Tsunade would awaken soon so the situation with Sasuke can be resolved. Sakura painfully accepts that Sasuke must be stopped at all costs. Sai later informs Sakura of the abuse Naruto suffered at the hands of Omoi and Karui, as he was unwilling to sell out Sasuke. He also informs her that Naruto has gone to meet with the Fourth Raikage to try and get a pardon for Sasukes actions against Kumo. Sakura cannot understand why Naruto would do all this, so Sai explains how he believes that it is because he has feelings for Sakura and that he is still trying to fulfil the promise he made to her after Sasuke left the village years ago, which devastated her. Sai adds that his commitment to that promise and by extension Sakura cause Naruto as much pain as Sasuke does. Shikamaru joins their conversation to inform them of the rest of the Konoha 11 s decision to personally eliminate Sasuke so that he cant continue to implicate Konoha in his crimes nor present the risk of a war. Sakura tearfully agrees with this and insists to be the one to inform Naruto. She also made the others swear to not say anything to Naruto before she can, seeing it as her responsibility, while secretly she decide to handle the entire matter herself. Sakuras team arrives in the Land of Iron. Sakura forms a team with Sai, Kiba Inuzuka, and Rock Lee and goes to the Land of Iron to search for Naruto. When they find him, Sakura tells him that she loves him and that, because of this, he no longer needs to fulfil his promise regarding Sasuke, who she says she no longer has feelings for. This upsets Naruto, who tells Sakura that he dislikes people who lie to themselves. Sakura then insists rather angrily that its true and that he should start worrying about himself rather than Sasuke. Naruto still does not believe her and informs her that he wants to save Sasuke for his own reasons, not for Sakura. Upset, Sakura departs, but when theyre far enough away she instructs her team to start looking for Sasuke. Her team tells her it would have been better to simply tell Naruto the truth about Konoha 11s decision and that shes underestimating him by not doing so, but Sakura adamantly says she couldnt do it. Sasuke attacking Sakura from behind. When Kiba finally locates Sasuke, Sakura has him give her precise directions to where he is. She then attempts to knock out the team with sleeping gas, but is initially stopped by Sai, who has guessed that she plans to personally kill Sasuke. When he attempts to detain them on Kakashis instructions, Kiba and Lee engage Sai, giving Sakura a chance to use the sleeping gas. She proceeds to where Sasuke is and announces her desire to join with him, even if that means helping destroy Konoha. To prove her loyalty, Sasuke instructs Sakura to kill the badly-injured Karin. Sakura approaches them, contemplating how best to strike Sasuke, but is alerted by Karin that Sasuke is attacking her from behind with Chidori. Kakashi arrives in time to stop him and, aware of what Sakura was planning, volunteers to be the one to kill Sasuke so that she wont need to, especially when he holds himself responsible for not preventing the situation. Team 7 re-unites. Sakura heals Karins injury and, in her unstable mental state, joins the battle. She starts attacking Sasuke from behind, but ultimately cant bring herself to harm him and cries at her own failure. Sensing her, Sasuke grabs her by the throat, takes her kunai, and prepares to kill her with it, but she is saved by Naruto. Sakura is shocked that she came close to being killed by Sasuke, and is further shocked as Sasuke confesses to killing Danz and plans to do the same to his former teammates and the village. After briefly fighting, Naruto and Sasuke talk and conclude that only they are suitable to fight each other, which they will do at some future date Sakura is upset once again that her resolve isnt as strong as theirs and she decides to trust Naruto and Sasuke in fulfilling her dream of Team 7 having a happy ending. After Sasuke leaves with Tobi, Naruto passes out from the poison of her kunai and a panicked Sakura gives him the antidote. Sakura then uses an antidote to wake Sai, Kiba, and Rock Lee up. After returning to the village, Naruto meets with the Konoha 11 as soon as theyre back to tell them his decision, which Sakura defends when some of them accuse Naruto of being unrealistic, but is concerned about Naruto and Sasukes promise to fight to the death. When Tsunade finally wakes from her coma, Sakura goes around the village sharing the good news. In the anime, Sakura is later informed of the upcoming war against Akatsuki from Tsunade, and Sakura, while uneasy at fighting against Sasuke, is given the task to keep a watchful on eye on Naruto during the war. Main article: Power In the anime, Team 7 is sent to investigate the attack on Tonika Village. They encounter Kabuto Yakushi and are forced to fight his reincarnated forces while he escapes. They fight Kabuto and his forces several more times, during one of which Sakura is knocked out by the Nine-Tailed Naruto Clone. but Kabuto is ultimately driven off. Paradise Life on a Boat Main article: Paradise Life on a Boat In the anime, Tsunade sends Sakura, Ino, and Chji Akimichi to Benisu Island to pick medicinal herbs. Although the locals initially try interfering, Naruto is able to convince them to help instead. Fourth Shinobi World War: Confrontation Sakura healing Guy. When the Fourth Shinobi World War begins, Sakura is added to the Third Division of the Allied Shinobi Forces. Before the armies mobilise for war with Akatsuki, Sakura heals Might Guy. whose exhaustion mystifies her. The Third Division is called to assist the Surprise Attack Division. and when they arrive Sakura recognises the reincarnated Haku and Zabuza Momochi amongst the Surprise Attack Divisions attackers. When Zabuza asks her how Naruto is doing, Sakura replies that hes well. Zabuza and Haku are forced to attack the Third Division, so they take up defensive positions having encountered them before, Sakura advises those near her to take a Manji Formation. When casualties start growing, Sakura heals the wounded. Sakura defeats Neji. Sakura is eventually reassigned to the Logistical Support and Medical Division s compound to heal the wounded that are sent there. During the night, three medical-nin are killed despite the major precautions they took to secure the location, placing everyone on high alert. Sakura is approached by Morio during this time, who she recognises as someone she healed earlier he gives her a love letter, but she turns him down and explains she is in love with someone else. He wishes her luck with her beloved when he leaves but Sakura is saddened as she thinks about Sasuke. Neji Hyga visits her after Morio leaves to discuss the suspected killer. When, during the conversation, Neji proves unaware that Tonton is a pig, Sakura realises he is an impostor and attacks him. The disguise disappears, revealing a White Zetsu. From the Zetsus comments and previous reports shes read about its abilities, Sakura is able to determine how its Substitute Technique works and alerts the Allied HQ. She and Shizune later perform an autopsy on the Zetsus body and discover its Wood Release capabilities. In the anime, during the following day, the Medical Division is attacked by several reincarnated shinobi and a scroll of dead Allied forces is stolen. Sakura joins a team to go after them and most of the reincarnated shinobi are sealed, but Hayate Gekk escapes with the scroll. She goes after him and fights him until Ygao Uzuki arrives to finish him off. Later, security at the Medical Division remains high, with nobody having an effective way of identifying disguised Zetsu. Two Zetsu eventually bypass bodyguards assigned to Sakura, though she is saved by the arrival of Naruto, whose Nine-Tails Chakra Mode allows him to find and eliminate all the Zetsu. Fourth Shinobi World War: Climax The Allied Shinobi Forces arrive. With the Zetsu army defeated, the Allied Shinobi Forces are sent to assist Naruto in his fight with Tobi. Along the way, Sakura vows to be there to help Naruto. When they arrive, Sakura heals Kakashi and Might Guy and then joins in the Allies attack on the Ten-Tails. The attack fails and many die in the Ten-Tails counterattack, including Neji, which shocks and saddens Sakura. However, Naruto is able to give protective version 1 - like cloaks to most of the allies in time. When Naruto is injured saving everyone from Tenpenchii. Sakura heals him and encourages the other Allies not to give up hope, even in the face of the Ten-Tails Tailed Beast Ball. They are saved by the arrival of the reincarnated Fourth Hokage. The Fourth thanks Sakura for healing Naruto, his son, and asks if she is Narutos girlfriend. When Naruto suggests this is true, Sakura headbutts him and tells him to focus on the situation. Naruto complains she gave him more injuries and she retorts she will heal him again. Team 7 together again. Sasuke arrives shortly after the Fourth, intent on joining the Allies so that he can protect Konoha. Sakura is shocked by Sasukes sudden arrival and asks him of his intentions, and is dumbfounded, as with the rest of the Konoha 11, by his declaration he will be Hokage. Naruto and Sasuke prepare to fight the Ten-Tails and Sakura, as she says she is not weak and will assist them as a member of Team 7, joins them. The now reunited Team 7 charges into battle with the Ten-Tails army of clones after charging her Strength of a Hundred Seal. Sakura is able to defeat many at a time and boasts that she has finally caught up with her teammates. Because there are too many Ten-Tails clones, Team 7 each performs their own summonings. Sakura summons Katsuyu and has it adhere to all the Allies nearby so that she can heal them remotely. While Naruto and Sasuke fight the Ten-Tails itself, Sai asks Sakura if she trusts Sasuke. Sakura says she is happy hes back and she does trust him. Sai believes her words are truthful, but knows her smile is a fake. Birth of the Ten-Tails Jinchriki Sakura and Tsunade work together. When Tobi, real name Obito Uchiha. becomes the Ten-Tails jinchriki, Sakura can only watch from a distance as Naruto, Sasuke, and the reincarnated Hokage fight him. Obito eventually recreates the God Tree. which absorbs the chakra of many of the Allied Shinobi Forces. Sakura instructs Katsuyu to heal them, but Katsuyu explains that its divisions suffered the same fate as the shinobi they were attached to. To do what she can, Sakura runs over to Shikamaru and starts trying to heal him. It is ultimately Naruto who saves Shikamaru and the others, remotely restoring the Version 1 cloaks thought absorbed by the God Tree. Tsunade then arrives, congratulates Sakura for the work shes done, and requests her help in summoning an even large segment of Katsuyu. Katsuyu dissolves across the battlefield, allowing Tsunade and Sakura to constantly rejuvenate everybody as they unite against Obito. Sakura attempts to heal Naruto. Although Obito is defeated, Madara Uchiha and another Zetsu still remain. The prolonged fighting exhausts Tsunade and leaves Sakura and Shizune with little chakra to spare. When Gaara brings Naruto to them, in need of emergency life support following the removal of the Nine-Tails from his body, Sakura boards his Desert Suspension to lend what support she can. When her normal medical ninjutsu fails to do anything, Sakura makes an incision in Narutos chest and manually pumps his heart to keep him alive while pleading for him to live because he is close to achieving his dream. Gaara brings them to the Fourth Hokage so that he can seal his half of the Nine-Tails chakra into Naruto, but the chakra is intercepted by Black Zetsu. When Madara the Ten-Tails new jinchriki arrives, Kakashi uses Kamui on Sakura and Naruto to get them to safety in Kamuis dimension. They are shortly afterwards joined by Obito, who has decided he wants to help Naruto. Though wary of Obito, Sakura allows him to seal the Nine-Tails chakra he took from Black Zetsu into Naruto, thus saving his life. Team 7 attacks Madara. Naruto goes back to fight Madara when he regains consciousness, leaving Obito with Sakura. She calls Obito an enemy for killing many of her comrades but she is willing to help him as thanks for saving Naruto. Obito asks Sakura to destroy his Rinnegan. explaining its the only way to guarantee Madara cant use the Infinite Tsukuyomi. Before shes able to do so, Madara arrives in Kamuis dimension and Obito sends Sakura away so that Madara cant kill her. She explains what happened when she regroups with Team 7 and tries healing Kakashi after Madara stole his eye, but Naruto instead gives him a new one. As they wait for Madaras inevitable return, Sakura questions Sasuke what he meant when he said he would be Hokage, but receives no answer because they have a war to worry about. Sensing Madara coming, Kakashi reminds them of their first lesson as Team 7: the importance of teamwork. When Madara is brought back by Black Zetsu using Obitos body, Sakura launches the first attack. She is stabbed with a Truth-Seeking Ball and is saved by Naruto (who grabs her) and Sasuke (who cuts the rod Madara stabbed her with). Sakura is saddened because she thinks Sasuke is not concerned about her. Madara, now in possession of two Rinnegan, ascends into the sky and, despite Naruto and Sasukes attempt to stop him, casts the Infinite Tsukuyomi. Kaguya tsutsuki Strikes Main article: Kaguya tsutsuki Strikes While the world around them falls to the Infinite Tsukuyomi, Sasuke uses his Susanoo to shield Naruto, Sakura, and Kakashi from its effects. Sakura asks what is happening but is saddened when Sasuke tells her she doesnt need to know because she cant do anything about it. When they emerge, they find Madara has bound the worlds population with God: Nativity of a World of Trees and trapped them all within perpetual dreams. Madara confronts them and insists that he has ended all conflicts and that only Team 7, as the only remaining opposition, would seek to renew the cycle of death that plagued the world for centuries. As hes talking, Madara is stabbed from behind by Black Zetsu, who transfers to him from Obitos body to convert him into Kaguya tsutsuki, Black Zetsus true master. Kakashi saves Sakura. Kaguya, the origin of chakra, now has access to the chakra supplies of everyone trapped in the Infinite Tsukuyomi. She wants Team 7s chakra as well, so she transports them to one of Kaguyas Dimensions. a sea of lava. Kakashi grabs Sakura, ties himself to an unconscious Obito with a scroll, and pins Obito to a wall in order to save them. Sakura is sad as Sasuke explains to Naruto that he only saved Sakura and Kakashi earlier because they happened to be near Naruto and he is willing to sacrifice his comrades if it means ensuring he and Naruto will survive to save the world. However Naruto retorts Sasuke still saved them subconsciously, and Sakura is thankful for Naruto for this. The heat causes the scroll to burn up, but Naruto sends a shadow clone to catch them. Because only Naruto and Sasuke can defeat Kaguya, they are forced to watch from a distance Sakura is mortified when Naruto uses the Sexy Reverse Harem Technique on Kaguya, and then mortified again when it works. Kaguya eventually relocates them to another dimension and then banishes Sasuke to another, separating him from Naruto. Sakura and Obito search for Sasuke. When Obito regains conciseness and is caught up about whats been happening, he offers to help retrieve Sasuke and requests Sakuras help. Naruto attacks Kaguya with hundreds of shadow clones to force her to retreat to her central dimension Obito and Sakura secretly follow. When Kaguya goes back to fight Naruto, Obito begins piercing through her various dimensions with Kamui while Sakura heals the stress this causes to his body. They do finally locate Sasuke, but Obito is unable to keep the portal open long enough for Sasuke to run to it. When she thinks she failed, Sakura is exhausted and collapses but is caught by Sasuke, who explains he used Amenotejikara to switch places with Sakuras flak jacket and thanks her and Obito. Obito teleports them back to the dimension where Naruto is and sacrifices himself to save Naruto from Kaguya. Team 7 defeats Kaguya. Despite his death, Obitos spirit is able to briefly return to allow Kakashi to use Susanoo. which he uses to save Sakura from one of Kaguyas attacks. When Kaguya creates an Expansive Truth-Seeking Ball to finally kill them all, Kakashi, realising that this is their last opportunity, forms a plan of attack: Kakashi pierces through her Naruto uses shadow clones to exhaust some of her countermeasures and Kakashi uses Kamui on the rest Sasuke moves closer to her in order to place a seal on her Sakura punches her when she tries to escape. Kaguya is defeated, the tailed beasts are removed from her body, and she is trapped alongside Black Zetsu with Six Paths Chibaku Tensei. As Sakura and Naruto panic over how they are going to get back home, the Sage of the Six Paths summons them all back from Kaguyas dimensions and congratulates them for their victory. Sakura caught in Sasukes genjutsu. The Sage of Six Paths explains how Naruto and Sasuke can end the Infinite Tsukuyomi, but Sasuke has plans before that: starting a revolution by killing the tailed beasts and Five Kage. which he believes will change the world for the better. Sad and angry, Sakura pleads with him, acknowledging that theres literally nothing that she can do to change his mind, but asks if theres some part of him that cares about her and is willing to return to her. He once again tells her that she is still annoying before knocking her out with a genjutsu. Kakashi scolds Sasuke for this by saying Sakura never stopped trying to save him and loving him is only breaking her heart. When she finally wakes up later that night, Kakashi tells her that Naruto and Sasuke have gone to have their last fight. They locate Naruto and Sasuke the following day at the Valley of the End. both having lost an arm and unable to move. As she heals them, Sasuke tries to speak to her but she tells him not to so she can concentrate on healing them. Guilt-ridden, Sasuke apologises to Sakura for everything hes done and, after exclaiming him with criticism, she tearfully accepts his apology and Team 7 comes together for good, smiling and laughing. Blank Period Sasuke pokes Sakuras forehead. After the war, Sasuke is pardoned for his crimes based on the good word of Naruto and Kakashi (who has been selected to become the Sixth Hokage). Sasuke leaves Konoha to wander the world on a journey of redemption and Sakura asks him to wait until his prosthesis arm is finished, but Sasuke declines. Sakura then offers to come with him. He again declines, explaining that his journey is one of atonement and that she has no part in that, leaving Sakura disappointed and gloomy. He then pokes her head, promising to see her again and thanks her, and Sakura blushes at the realisation that he is returning her feelings. Kakashi Hiden: Lightning in the Icy Sky Main article: Kakashi Hiden: Lightning in the Icy Sky A year after the end of the war, Sakura is part of a Konoha platoon sent to the Blood Prison in anticipation of an attempted jailbreak by the Ryha Armament Alliance. When they get there, Sakura helps collect passengers ejected from the approaching Tobishachimaru and then, after the Tobishachimaru crashes nearby, heals the survivors. Shikamaru Hiden: A Cloud Drifting in Silent Darkness Main article: Shikamaru Hiden: A Cloud Drifting in Silent Darkness Two years after the end of the war, Naruto talks to Sakura about Shikamaru Nara s recent cold behavior. She reminds him that Shikamaru is working hard in preparation for Naruto someday becoming Hokage. causing Naruto to wonder if hes worth whatever trouble Shikamaru is going through. When Shikamaru later goes missing in the Land of Silence. Naruto and Sakura join a combined Konoha and Suna coalition sent to rescue him. By the time they arrive, Temari is in combat with a brainwashed Sai Sakura punches Sai away from Temari and then heals Temaris injury. After Shikamaru is saved and his mission is completed, Sakura is part of a force that stays behind to help the Land of Silence stabilise. The Last: Naruto the Movie Sakura freeing Naruto from genjutsu. Two years after the end of the war, Sakura notices Hinata Hyga working on a scarf to give Naruto for the Rinne Festival. Sakura encourages her, but warns her that Naruto may not have a real grasp of the love Hinata has for him. To that end, Sakura orchestrates some opportunities for Hinata and Naruto to spend time together, but due to Narutos lack of understanding about love, none of them work. Shortly afterwards, Hinatas sister, Hanabi Hyga. is kidnapped by Toneri tsutsuki and they are assigned to a team sent to rescue her. They follow Toneris trail to a cave and, when they enter it, they are trapped in a genjutsu. In the movies novelisation, Sakura quickly identifies her dreams of Sasuke as just that, forces herself awake, and wakes up the rest of the team. At the end of the cave they find the Gatekeeper. the creator of the genjutsu, which Sakura, Shikamaru, and Sai join forces to destroy. When they exit the cave, they find themselves in the middle of a vast landscape, what they later learn is the interior of the Moon. While resting after a day of exploring the nearby ruins, Hinata voluntarily joins with Toneri and Naruto is badly injured by Toneri while trying to stop her. Sakura spends three days of around-the-clock care to heal him, during which time Naruto talks in his sleep indicates to Sakura that he now shares Hinatas feelings. When he wakes up, Naruto visits Sakura as she recovers from her exhaustion, thanks her, and expresses his fears that Hinata fell in love with Toneri. Sakura reassures him that Hinatas feelings for him are too strong to change so suddenly and that she must have had some reason for going with Toneri. She further says she believes Narutos crush on her was due to his desire to defeat Sasuke, whom she loves. When Sakuras ready, they storm Toneris castle Sai and Sakura go looking for Hanabi while Naruto and Shikamaru go looking for Hinata. While rescuing Hanabi, Sakura finds the tattered remains of the scarf Hinata made for Naruto, which she gives to him when they regroup. Toneri is defeated, Naruto and Hinata express their feelings for each other, and the team returns to Konoha. Sakura Hiden: Thoughts of Love, Riding Upon a Spring Breeze Main article: Sakura Hiden: Thoughts of Love, Riding Upon a Spring Breeze When the Fourth Shinobi World War ended, Sakura assisted with healing those injured and displaced by the conflict. Although the adults recovered quickly and were put at peace by the end of hostilities, children struggled to recover from the stress of the War and the deaths of those they knew. In order to help them deal with this, Sakura and Ino Yamanaka opened a clinic within the Konoha Hospital that would assess and treat childrens mental health. The program proves very successful, in part because Sakura works tirelessly to make it so, a dedication that worries her friends. Two years after the war ends, Sakura and Ino travel to Sunagakure to help the village lay the groundwork for its own mental health clinic along the way, Ino tells her about the romantic relationships that their peers Ino included are getting involved in, causing Sakura to wonder about her long-distant relationship with Sasuke. In Suna, Sakura and Ino are called before Gaara. who informs them of a man matching Sasukes appearance and chakra signature that is evidently planning to destroy Konoha. They insist it has to be someone disguised as Sasuke, but can come up with no practical explanations for the man having Sasukes chakra signature. Hoping to keep Sasukes apparent plans a secret, Gaara asks Sakura to personally inform Kakashi of the plot against Konoha. Sakura and Ino do so as soon as they return to Konoha, and Kakashi shares their belief that it is an impostor. When, several days later, rumours of this impostors actions start to spread, Kakashi sends a message Sasuke to ask if he knows anything about it, though Sasuke doesnt reply. Sakura becomes concerned about this and confides in Naruto, who hypothesises that Sasuke finds the rumours too ludicrous to give them any attention. Narutos words put Sakura at ease. She meets with Tsunade to discuss possible ways of mimicking another persons chakra signature, and comes up with a theory of somebody extracting Sasukes chakra from his skin and hair samples that have been gathered in large amounts. Sakura runs into Sai afterwards and she tells him her theory, which, based on information he came across during his own unrelated investigation into Kido Tsumiki. he believes to be true. Because they are all evidently working on the same case, Kakashi makes them a team Ino dubs themselves InoSakuSai . While returning from interviews regarding Kido and his personal Anbu. Sakura comes across what is apparently Sasuke being arrested. She realises after she approaches that its a genjutsu, but is injected with a drug that renders her unconscious before she can get away. Sakura wakes up to find herself bound and imprisoned. She tries to break out, but the drug she was injected with hinders her strength and chakra. Kido comes to visit her soon afterwards, explaining that he wants to draw Sasuke out with news of her kidnapping due to their romantic relationship. Once hes captured Sasuke, hell kill Sakura to strengthen Sasukes Sharingan. in turn making Kidos planned synthetic Sharingan more effective. Sakura keeps Kido engaged in the conversation while she gathers enough chakra to break free having finally seen the Sasuke impostor, she tells Kido its many minor flaws that make it inferior to the original. When shes ready, Sakura breaks out of the basement, through the floors above, and finally the roof with a single Cherry Blossom Impact. Outside, she meets Sai and Ino and teams up with them against Kido and his men. Sakura is drawn into a fight with the Sasuke impostor, who chokes her using his one of Kidos synthetic tailed beast cloaks. Sakura breaks free and, as she beats him unconscious, warns him to never impersonate Sasuke again. She regroups with her teammates and decide to find the rest of Kidos henchmen, but find them defeated by fire and genjutsu, and they realise this is Sasukes doing and he had just disappeared. Although saddened, he didnt at least say hello, Sakura is happy that Sasuke does care about her enough to rush back to the village to save her. After turning Kido over to Ibiki for interrogation, Sakura resumes her duties and decides to wait for Sasukes return, which she believes is imminent, so she can talk to him. The final page implies that Sasuke returned to the village to be with Sakura, as he says Im home, Sakura. Konoha Hiden: The Perfect Day for a Wedding Main article: Konoha Hiden: The Perfect Day for a Wedding While looking for a present to give to Naruto and Hinata for their wedding, Sakura finds a picture frame that she thinks would be perfect. Ino finds the exact same picture frame at the exact same moment, and their fight over who will buy it causes both of them to be expelled from the store, neither of them able to purchase the picture frame. Ino blames Sakura for whats happened, insisting Sakuras unnatural strength and large forehead make her uncouth and, more particularly, unlikely to ever be married. Sakura is deeply insulted by the accusation and challenges Ino to a cooking competition to prove that she would make a good wife. Sakura congratulating Naruto and Hinata Sakura and Ino make their own soldier pills Sakura puts pudding, Inos favourite dessert, into hers so that Ino will have no choice but to approve of her recipe. When she meets Ino the next day, however, she finds that Ino wants to use Chji Akimichi as an impartial judge. Chji samples each of their soldier pills and finds them so delicious that he starts putting them into his mouth by the handful. He soon collapses to the ground with blood running from his nose. Both suspect that the other poisoned their soldier pills, so sample them in order to identify the poison and thus save Chji. Neither can taste poison, but they do taste their favourite desserts: Ino loves the pudding in Sakuras and Sakura loves the anmitsu in Inos. Chji gets up soon afterwards, having finally recovered from his blood sugar overload, and he praises both of their soldier pills. Sakura and Ino reflect on their like-mindedness and how their competitions always push each other to be better. They, therefore, decide to go shopping together, helping each other find a gift even better than a picture frame. Sakura later attends Naruto and Hinatas wedding by herself, but thinks about Sasuke travelling somewhere. Sasuke Shinden: Book of Sunrise Main article: Sasuke Shinden: Book of Sunrise Sakura is summoned into Kakashis office, along with Naruto and Sai, on the disappearances of Kumo and Kiri shinobi. Sakura informs Kakashi that she had been doing some research of her own and she discovered several Konoha shinobi have disappeared, including a family friend of Inos. When Kakashi tells them that Sasuke is investigating the disappearances, Sakura reacts with anxiety at the mention of his name due to her being frustrated towards their long distant relationship. Konoha is attacked and Sakura and the others discover the attackers are the missing shinobi, who are under a genjutsu. The ringleader of the assault is Inos family friend, Taidachi. Sakura helps Naruto, Sai, Hinata, Shikamaru, Ino, and Chji deduce that the shinobi will explode upon being injured, so they come up with a new strategy Shikamaru uses his Shadow Imitation Technique and Hinata uses her Gentle Fist to render them motionless. Ino tries to use her Mind Body Switch Technique on Taidaichi, but falls under a genjutsu trap Aoba saves her, but both pass out. Sakura heals them, as well as the rest of those injured in the attack. When Sakura learns Sasuke captured the ones responsible for the events and helped change their ways to repent, Sakura, although being tired of waiting for Sasuke to come home, is proud of Sasuke for how much he has accomplished to redeem himself. Sakura is mentioned in a letter written by Naruto and given to Sasuke while he is on his journey. In it, Sakura compares his current duties of protecting the village from the shadows to that of his childhood dream of joining the Konoha Military Police Force. It is Sakuras words in the letter that compels Sasuke to decide to return to Konoha and be with her. The end of the novel strongly implies that they reunited some time afterwards, as Sakura says Welcome home, Sasuke. Sakura pokes Saradas forehead. Four years after the war, 58 Sakura now pregnant accompanies her husband Sasuke on his travelling, as she refused to leave his side. When she went into labour, Sasuke brought her to one of Orochimarus hideouts and had Karin help with the delivery. Sakura gives birth to their daughter, Sarada and returns to Konoha with her family. Afterwards, Sakura and Sasuke raised their daughter together for some time, but he left the village for a top secret mission early in her childhood, leaving her with few memories of him. 59 Years later at the time Naruto became Hokage, Sakura watched his inauguration with her daughter. Later, Sakura attended a Five Kage Summit with her husband, who informed the Kage about uncovering evidence of Kaguya forming a new White Zetsu Army in order to face some greater threat. Agreeing to keep this information secret and wanting to safeguard the future of their daughter and the new generation, Sasuke continues his wanderings as he tries to find more information, using his Rinnegan to inspect other dimensions. Over the years, Sarada would ask about her father and Sakura assured Sarada that Sasuke loves her and that, when he completes his important mission, hell come home when these conversations go on for too long, Sakura pokes Saradas forehead and promises to continue them some other time, which is Sasukes usual sign of affection. For a time, this is enough for Sarada, who likens her own complicated relationship with Sasuke to Boruto Uzumaki s relationship with his own father, Naruto. Naruto Gaiden: The Seventh Hokage and the Scarlet Spring Main article: Naruto Gaiden: The Seventh Hokage and the Scarlet Spring Fifteen years after the war, as her graduation from the Academy approaches, Sarada starts asking Sakura about Sasuke with greater earnest. Sakura struggles to answer questions about Sasukes childhood in order to hide his past from Sarada, leading Sarada to question if Sasuke and Sakura are even married. This upsets Sakura and she punches the ground, which then inadvertently destroys their house. Sakura faints at the realisation of what shes done. Sakura attacks Shin. She later wakes up to find herself in the care of Shizune. who informs her that Sarada has left the village to look for Sasuke. After chuckling at her daughters recklessness, Sakura goes after her. Sakura arrives in time to save Sasuke and Sarada from Shin Uchiha. rupturing his organs. Sakura starts apologising to Sarada for not being more open with her, but Sasuke insists that hes to blame. They are cut off by the appearance of one of Shins creatures. which teleports him, one of his injured sons. and Sakura to his hideout. Shin asks her to transplant organs from the son into him, which she refuses both because hes an enemy and because his son is only a child. Shin performs the operation himself, explaining to Sakura while he does so that his sons are really his clones, and thus deserve no special consideration. Sakura is disgusted by Shins philosophy on genetics and offspring, declaring he has no idea what its like to be a real parent. Sakuras family portrait. When Shin completes his surgery, Sakura, having revealed she was pretending to be a helpless hostage to get information on Shin for Sasuke, begins attacking him, though she is overwhelmed and stabbed by scalpels. Sasuke and the others arrive to help shortly after the fight starts and Sasuke removes some of the scalpels that Shin stabbed Sakura with. Happy to see her husband, Sakura thanks Sasuke. Shins clones, meanwhile, kill Shin because of how hes mistreated them. The clones then attack them and Sakura stands in front of Sarada to protect her, but Sarada jumps into the fight and uses her Sharingan and chakra enhanced strength to defeat most of the clones, shocking Sakura. With the fighting done, Sakura hugs Sarada and expresses relief that Sarada is alright while Sarada apologises for doubting her. Sasuke accompanies them back to Konoha and spends some time with Sarada and Sakura, even posing for a family photo that their home has been missing. Sakura and Sarada see him off as he leaves Konoha again when Sarada becomes sad, Sasuke hugs her and pokes her forehead, promising to return as Sakura looks on with a smile. Sakura gives him a prepared lunch and hopes for a kiss in return, but he departs without further comment, depressing Sakura as she waves goodbye. Boruto: Naruto the Movie Sakura saves the villagers from Momoshikis attack. Several months later, when Sarada leaves to train for the upcoming Chnin Exams. Sakura sees her off. Before she goes, Sarada notes that Sakura must be happy since Sasuke has come back to Konoha, to which Sakura replies that Sarada must be the happiest. Later, during the exams final matches, Sakura watches with Temari and Ino. cheering loudly when Sarada wins her first match. The finals are interrupted by an attack from Kinshiki and Momoshiki tsutsuki. who proceed to destroy the stadium Sakura punches the air above her, creating a shockwave strong enough to destroy the falling debris to protect herself and the other spectators. After Kinshiki and Momoshiki kidnap Naruto, Sakura heals Hinata. who was badly injured in her failed attempt to save him. When Boruto prepares to join Sasuke in rescuing Naruto, Sakura carries Hinata to him so that she can reason with him. However, seeing Boruto reminds Hinata, like Sakura, of a younger Naruto, so she allows him to go. Naruto is successfully rescued and life returns to normal when he gets back to Konoha. As Sarada and her team leave for a mission, Sakura watches them with Sasuke. In Other Media Naruto the Movie: Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow Main article: Naruto the Movie: Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow Team 7 is sent on a mission to protect the actress, Yukie Fujikaze. as she travels to the Land of Snow. During the course of the mission, Sakura encounters Mizore Fuyukuma several times. She eventually uses the Sakura Blizzard Technique to distract him while Sasuke hurls Fubuki Kakuyoku into Mizore, causing their Chakra Armours to explode. When the Land of Snow is converted to the Land of Snow, Sakura and Sasuke watch it together. Naruto the Movie: Legend of the Stone of Gelel Main article: Naruto the Movie: Legend of the Stone of Gelel Naruto, Sakura, and Shikamaru Nara are sent to deliver Nerugui to its rightful owners. When they arrive at the village where Neruguis owners live, they are attacked by Temujin s warriors, who wield the power of the Stone of Gelel. Sakura is eventually forced to fight the wolf-like Fugai she uses metal pillars to reflect Fugais ear-splitting howl, thus causing the pillars to collapse on her and kill her. Naruto the Movie: Guardians of the Crescent Moon Kingdom Main article: Naruto the Movie: Guardians of the Crescent Moon Kingdom Naruto, Sakura, and Rock Lee are assigned to protect the Land of the Moon s prince during his world trip. During the mission, shes makes several uses of the medical ninjutsu and increased physical strength she gained from training with Tsunade, the latter particularly in her fights with Karenbana. Sakura struggles against Karenbana during their first encounter because of Karenbanas ability to turn invisible. During their second meeting, Sakura notices how much perfume Karenbana wears, helping her to defend herself. Later in the fight she breaks a chandelier, scattering glass across the floor that allows her to find Karenbana and knock her out. Naruto Shippden the Movie Main article: Naruto Shippden the Movie Naruto, Sakura, and Lee are led on a mission by Neji Hyga to escort Shion. the head priestess of the Land of Demons. When they arrive at the tomb of Mry. they are forced to fight the Gang of Four. who they eventually drive off. Sakura later tries to carry Shion to safety, but they are followed by Kusuna and Sakura is injected with Secret Anaesthesia. Once she recovers, she helps her team defeat Kusuna and his men. Naruto Shippden the Movie: Bonds Main article: Naruto Shippden the Movie: Bonds During the Land of the Sky s attack on Konoha, Sakura heals the injured who are brought to the hospital. Afterwards, Naruto, Sakura, and Hinata Hyga are assigned to escort Amaru and Shinn back to their village. During their journey, Amarus body is possessed by the Zero-Tails despite trying to fight it, Sakura is defeated. Naruto leaves Sakura behind as he goes after Amaru. Naruto Shippden the Movie: The Will of Fire Main article: Naruto Shippden the Movie: The Will of Fire Sakura is part of a team sent to investigate the most recent in a series of kidnappings of people with kekkei genkai. During the investigation, Naruto and Sai are injured by strange animals. Sakura heals them and, when they get back to Konoha, forces them to spend some time in the hospital. Hiruko later declares war on the ninja villages and Sakura is assigned to secure Konohas borders. When she learns that Kakashi has defected and that Naruto has been imprisoned to stop him from going after Kakashi, she helps him escape and accompanies him. When they, with help from Shikamaru and Sai. find Kakashi who is under Hirukos control they fight Hirukos chimeric animals, save Kakashi, and ultimately Hiruko is defeated. Naruto Shippden the Movie: The Lost Tower Main article: Naruto Shippden the Movie: The Lost Tower Team 7 goes to the ruins of Rran to capture Mukade. While fighting Mukade, Naruto and Yamato vanish, only to reappear immediately afterwards with no memory of what theyve just been through. When they leave Rran they are approached by a girl. whose mother met Naruto when he was sent to the past. Though hes unaware of this, Naruto claims he saw the girl in a good dream he had, causing Sakura to pull his ear and call him a pervert. Naruto the Movie: Blood Prison Main article: Naruto the Movie: Blood Prison When Naruto is accused of trying to assassinate the Fourth Raikage. Sakura is surprised and is the only member of Team 7 to try and argue for his innocence. Despite this, he is imprisoned in the Blood Prison. Sakura is later part of a force sent to the Blood Prison to rescue Naruto, and while there helps capture escaping prisoners. Naruto is badly injured during the ordeal and Sakura is unable to heal him, forcing Ryzetsu to save him instead with her Dragon Life Reincarnation Sakura then tries and fails to revive Ryzetsu. When they get back to Konoha, Sakura asks Naruto if her earlier surprise was convincing, as the entire thing was staged. Road to Ninja: Naruto the Movie Main article: Road to Ninja: Naruto the Movie Sakura and the rest of the Konoha 11 successfully defend Konoha from an Akatsuki attack. When they return to the village, Sakuras parents, Mebuki and Kizashi Haruno. embarrass her with their concern for her safety. She meets with Naruto later to complain about her parents protectiveness. As they talk, they are attacked by Tobi. who uses the Limited Tsukuyomi to send them to a Genjutsu World where their dreams come true: Naruto has his parents and Sakura doesnt have hers. She enjoys it for a while especially because her parents died saving the village and thus Sakura gets special treatment from the villagers but she eventually starts to experience the loneliness of not having parents that Naruto has known for his entire life. Sakura is eventually kidnapped by Menma on Tobis instructions and the Genjutsu Worlds Akatsuki is hired to rescue her. Sakura then saves Naruto from Menma who in turn saves her from Tobi, thus breaking the Limited Tsukuyomi. Back home again, Sakura rushes to her parents and hugs them, glad to be back. Video Games Sakura Haruno is a playable character in the following video games: 4 September 2007 In many video games set during Part I, Inner Sakura is featured prominently in Sakuras movesets due to Sakuras lack of a defining fighting style games vary between using Inner Sakura as a genjutsu or as an actual physical embodiment. Sakura is also one of several Naruto characters to appear in the story mode of J-Stars Victory VS . Creation and Conception Although Sakura is the most recurring female character in Naruto . Masashi Kishimoto did not originally intend for Sakura to be the heroine of the series. Kishimoto attributes this to his being unable to draw good heroine characters, and fashioned Sakura as a girl who cannot understand men, the best example of a heroine he could come up with. Sakuras creation is a result of Kishimotos desire to make a somewhat irritating character who was well-intentioned. 60 Despite these elements, Kishimoto is fond of Sakura, as he feels that many of her personality traits are common among all people, thus giving her a sense of real humanity. 61 When asked in an interview if there is something about Sakuras background that was never revealed, Kishimoto explains that he has never thought of Sakura as she is a normal girl. 62 When designing Sakura, Kishimoto focused on her silhouette and created a costume as simple as possible. This is a divergence from the other main characters of the series, whose costumes are very detailed. The leggings are the most notable aspect of her design, as they are meant to show that she is very active. 60 At the start of the series her leggings extended below her knees and closely resembled trousers. As Part I progressed, the leggings became increasingly shorter and tighter. 63 Similar to his inexperience with drawing heroines, Kishimoto lacked the experience needed to make Sakura cute when he first began drawing her. Although he implies that her appearance has become cuter since then, Kishimoto and much of the Naruto manga staff agree that Sakura was far from cute at the start of the series. 60 64 Sakuras most well-known physical characteristic is her broad forehead. Because of this, Kishimoto at times focuses too much effort on drawing it in scenes or promotional artwork where Sakura is featured prominently. This results in her forehead appearing too large. 64 When designing Sakura in her Part II appearance, Kishimoto decided to change her clothes to a more lively karate suit style. The upper part, though, still has a Chinaesque feeling to it, so as to make her more feminine. 65 Kishimotos staff have said that Sakuras pink hair was originally intended to give her a unique style and to resemble cherry blossoms, after which she is named. citation needed The Springtime of Youth wiki has an article about this topic: The name Sakura literally means cherry blossom ( ), a flower which is cherished in Japan due to its beauty and its almost-tragically short life span (cherry blossoms have historically been associated with the samurai ). It also serves as the national flower for the nation of Japan. Her family name Haruno means spring field ( ). In Japanese, her full name can be interpreted as spring field of cherry blossoms ( 44 haruno sakura ) or cherry blossoms in spring ( 44 haru no sakura ). Sakuras name can also be a reference to a suit of cards used in the Hanafuda card game. Sakura placed well in the Naruto Character Popularity Polls. reaching an all-time high of fifth most popular. In the Live Spectacle Naruto . the role of Sakura was played by Yui Ito. According to the databook(s): Sakuras hobbies are playing trivia games and memorising new material for her medical studies. Sakura wishes for a rematch with Ino. Sakuras favourite foods are syrup-coated anko dumplings. umeboshi. and anmitsu. while her least favourites are anything spicy. Sakura has completed 34 official missions in total: 12 D-rank, 9 C-rank, 6 B-rank, 7 A-rank, 0 S-rank. Sakuras favourite phrase according to the first databook is A life with love throughout ( 44 Isshai no jinsei yo ), and her favourite word according to the second and third databooks is courage ( 44 yki ). In the June 2006 issue of the English Shnen Jump . Kishimoto stated that Sakura would be the best ninja instructor out of Team 7 and is the closest to being normal, despite having flaws in her personality. During a 2010 interview, Kishimoto stated that many who work with him have told him Hinata would have made a better heroine than Sakura. Kishimoto said that despite not initially being portrayed like one, he would be showing a more heroine side of her from then on. citation needed Studio Pierrots Settei sheets of Sakura show her high sandals add 1 centimetre onto her height in in Part 2, making her 161cm without the high sandals. Studio Pierrot has consistently given her the height of 148 cm at 12yrs, instead of 148.5 cm as her Databook profile gives her. Sakura, like Hiruzen. is one of two individuals to have been a student of two Hokage. Hiruzen was a member of Team Tobirama and a disciple of Hashirama Senju. the first Hokage. Likewise, Sakura was a member of Team Kakashi and a disciple of Tsunade, the Fifth Hokage. (To herself about Naruto ) Always acting like a fool who only knows one thing Hokage, Hokage. Im sorry Naruto that impossible dream of yours I dont want to see it crushed 66 (To herself) Ive always considered myself to be a true ninja but those were just empty words, because Sasuke and Naruto were always in the lead But now its my turn to take the lead, and all of you can watch me from the background 67 (To Sasuke ) I I love you with all my heart If you were to stay here with me, there would be no regrets because every day wed do something fun, wed be happy I swear I would do anything for you so Please just stay with me 17 (To Chiyo ) I may not have amazing weapons like a puppet in me, but what I do have is my masters contempt for losing 68 (About Naruto and Sasuke) Narutos here because hes made up his mind my resolve is nothing compared to his now Im supposed to be a ninja, but all Ive ever done is lean on him and cry I was supposed to change that I came here and I thought I was ready. But I cant do anything I cant say anything. The only thing that remains for me is to believe in them 69 (To the Allied Forces after being inspired by Naruto) Hes making us realise that he considers all of us his comrades. Im going to make sure Naruto has a full recovery Every one of us must do whats in their power If were going to die any way then its better to die fighting than to do nothing 70 (To Naruto while giving CPR to him) Im not going to just allow someone to die so easily on my watch (Later) That ridiculous dream of yours just look now. I wont let you die youre not dying on me, you hear me No matter the cost, theres no way that I will let you die. Just look now that dream is right in front of your eyes. 71 (To her daughter ) Sarada, you and I are very precious to your dad. Thats exactly why he cant come home. I dont think youll be able to understand it now. but the day will come when you do. 28 References Start a Discussion Discussions about Sakura HarunoDave Adams is your one-stop shop for buying and selling sports cards and gaming cards. Vi jobber hardt for å gi deg det beste utvalget av sportsminner og idrettssamlinger, for eksempel signerte jerseys og autograferte bilder fra favorittspillerne dine, og er stolte av å tilby et mangfoldig utvalg av kvalitetsprodukter fra alle de store produsentene. Uansett om du handler hos oss online, besøker vi oss i et av våre forhandlerlokaler. delta i en live box pause. eller samhandle med oss på sosiale medier. Du kan forvente fremragende kundeservice fra Dave Adams Team Gavekort dacardworld Gavekort er tilgjengelig i 10. 25. 50. og 100 trinn. These are a great gift item for any collector. 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Ærlig, det beste kortspillet der ute. I forhold til Yugioh appellerer Pokemon til noen, uansett hvor gammel de R. I turneringer har de juniorer, seniorer og mestere, så hvis du er 14 år gammel, trenger du ikke å bekymre deg for å gå mot en 22 år gammel. Dette er også bra fordi det setter folk med samme kaliber sammen, så det er ikke så urettferdig. Også, noen kan kvalifisere til VM, i motsetning til Yugioh som du må kvalifisere fra statsborgere. Pokemon er et veldig strategisk og morsomt spill, og samfunnet er mye mer vennlig enn Yugioh. Jeg spiller Pokemon og Yugioh, og mens jeg fortsatt liker Yugioh mye, foretrekker jeg å spille Pokemon mye mer, spesielt ettersom jeg har kvalifisert seg til VM 2013 i Vancouver, Canada. DET ER AWESOME Det har en flott struktur i stil med spill, og det er mye variasjon i strategier, spillere, kort og mye mer. Så ja, jeg anbefaler desperat dette spillet. Lett spill å plukke opp, men har plass til tonnevis av strategi. Også, online spill er bare fantastisk, så hvis du leter etter et kortspill på nettet, mens du venter på HexHearthstone, anbefaler jeg det definitivt å sette føttene i det før du går ut og kjøper kort. Som mange sa, er det tiltalende fordi det er Pokemon, alle vet det og tonnevis av mennesker elsker det. Ønske Id kom inn i selve kortspillet tidligere da jeg var barn, men med online spill og økende popularitet i byen min, jeg er glad for å være en del av det. Pokmon er en morsom og addicting TCG. 4 Cardfight. Vanguard Vel, som det er skrevet ovenfor, er cardfight-forspillet et av de beste. Ja det begynte ikke bra, men etter at det kom i tcg, er det stadig skiftende. Yugioh var sjefen som alltid (har fortsatt Guinness-posten. Men tenk på dette: med de nyeste formatene alltid avhengig av 2 kanskje 3 dekk som vil bli utestengt i en eller to lister, gjorde alle dekk en form for inntekt og så videre, Spillerne har mistet sin verdi. Spillere der ute, er på jakt etter noe morsomt, uten regler (kjeder, prioriteringer, spammekjøpbarhet osv.) billig (de fleste avguardkortene er billige med de dyreste å være på 30), og også nye, friske Du kan si. Alt som er sammendraget av forguard. Reglene er enkle, spillet er morsomt, det hele har noen regler tatt fra yugioh, andre fra magiske andre fra mange spill, men det tok bare de beste aspektene av disse spillene utgir alle ufullkommenhetene. Nummer 10 kan virke bra akkurat nå, men med det kommer dette spillet i hele verden jeg tror vi vil. mer Cardfight Vanguard er unikt. Det er ingen grense for muligheten. En slik smart måte å duellere. hvor mye skade du har tatt (Limit Break), å være i stand til å betale den skaden (Counterblast), gjør det ufattelige som Megablast, forskjellige dekktyper og spillestiler, nye sett og arketyper utgitt hele tiden, blir spart i siste øyeblikk på grunn av hvor smart spillet er satt opp som å tegne en Heal Trigger på en skade sjekk eller fullstendig ødelegge motstanderen din med kritiske utløsere, barraging og torturere motstanderen din med stativtriggere, aldri løpe ut av alternativer med Draw Triggers, den gjennomtenkte og godt implementerte Crossride og effektene som er kjøpt sammen med dem, mister deg selv og går ut pistoler flammende med Persona Blast, det er laget som en klokke. I Yugioh kan du blande alt for å lage dekk. Men i Cardfight Vanguard er hvert stykke av dekk laget for å fungere sammen, alt er montert nøyaktig for å gi den ultimate spillmoro. Uslåelig. Fantastisk spill. Cool Mechanics, og de lytter til hva spillerne vil også. De tester også kort før du bruker den for å se om det er mangler eller feil på kortet. Selv om jeg savner noen aspekter av de fleste kortspill som stavekort, etc. Cardfight er den beste tcg som jeg har sett så langt. Å være s-spiller for å gi, pokemon og magi, kan jeg si kortkamp triumfer over alt Den nyeste yu-gi-oh, du vet den som ikke gir mening for de gamle skolens spillere, forvirrende i begynnelsen, men når du kommer inn det du understant det mye mer Beste kortspill enkle regler, få krav, god ide og kule kort, ga meg en måte å få flere venner på. 6 World of Warcraft TCG Det tilbyr et spill som ligner på Magic, men med egne endringer. Det er enklere å lære, gir deg sjefslag og korttyper er morsomme. Kampsystemet er også underholdende. Legendarisk spill. I stedet for å dø, ga den sin posisjon til Hearthstone. Og Hearthstone har for tiden nummer 1-posisjonen for digitale kortspill og en av de fem beste posisjonene i onlinespill. Hearthstone har en flott fremtid, men også en legendarisk forfader. Var et veldig morsomt spill. Jeg vet ikke hvorfor jeg stemte for det på dette tidspunktet, men nå har de stoppet det slik at de kan ta pengene våre på nettet i stedet. Samme som yu gi oh jeg vil få en ting ut av veien. Kunsten er helt utrolig. Det var en av faktorene som fikk meg interessert i dette spillet så mye. Reglene er veldig enkle å lære, og du kan bruke mye kreativitet med dekkene i forhold til andre TCGer, og hver duell er spennende. I Japan er dette spillet fortsatt veldig, veldig populært og spillet har avansert til et helt nytt nivå med mange nye korttyper, evner og selvfølgelig den vakre kunsten. Jeg elsker også det faktum at spillet avhenger av ferdighet og strategi i stedet for flaks og et kort du trakk ved en tilfeldighet. Jeg håper virkelig, dette spillet kommer tilbake til resten av verden med de nye konseptene og evner. Det ville være fantastisk Personlig jeg elsker dette spillet, det ble kansellert i u. s fordi de bestemte seg for parodi-dub anime (gjør det idiotisk). Men jeg spiller fortsatt Yu-Gi-Oh på grunn av availabiltiy tror jeg Duel Masters å være mer interessant. Reglene er enkle spillet er morsomt og spennende. Det burde være over kaotisk. Bare nostalgisk. - BusinessDuck Jeg er ekstremt opprørt over det faktum at det har sluttet å bli aired på T. V fordi det er ærlig på de beste showene som var i luften. Det er også på de beste kortspillene der ute. Virkelig skuffende det stoppet airing Det er en innovasjon for trading kortspill fordi den kan spilles ikke bare i virkeligheten, men også online. Det ble utgitt offentligt som et trading kortspill online og et tv-show, men med dessverre squashed til døden av mer populære trading kortspill som Magic samlingen, Yu-Gi-Oh og Pokmon. Det hadde en veldig kort levetid, selv om det har vært rykter om at det vil starte opp igjen i år 2013 eller 2014. Jeg tror at det på YouTube var en video kalt Chaotic roomers, og det handlet om 4kids som sa at de ville frigjøre det igjen i Japan. Jeg tror at kaotiske kort er veldig kule, jeg kjøper dem hele tiden, men jeg er trist fordi de ikke er i butikkene lenger, så jeg må kjøpe kortene online 2016 og fortsatt det beste showgame for meg. Digimon er mer kort som i stedet for å bygge skip som kan være forvirrende Enkel, taktisk, arbeider med temaet Digimon og er generelt en glede å spille. Også, kunstverket er flott. Digimon er mye mindre komplisert enn skip. Jeg elsker digimon det burde være nummer 1 flotte spill, spesielt deciphers versjon. Dette var en av de store kortspillene hele tiden, og hvis dechifreren hadde vært i stand til å fortsette med lisensen fra Lucas-kunst, ville det være en av de beste der ute i dag. Decipher-versjonen bør absolutt være topp 10, og er 1 i boken min. Jeg prøvde mange andre spill etter at Dechifiserte mistet lisensen til Wizards of the Coast (hvis versjon var langt dårligere), og ingenting sammenlignet med mekanikk og quotfree-worldquot-følelsen, selv om det fra det jeg leste, kunne Legend of the Five Rings være en konkurrent. Altfor dårlig lisensen fortsatte ikke. Kompleks, men fantastisk Beste kort i stedet for basketballkort noensinne. Fremmødrene 11 Future Card Buddyfight Dette nye kortspillet fra bushiroad (skaperne av Weiss Schwarz og Cardfight vanguard) er et nytt pust av frisk luft for tcg-scenen, alle nye mekanikere som er super solid og bare ser morsomt Dette kortspillet kommer ut i slutten av januar og anime kommer ut den 3 januar så nært jeg kan nesten føle det tar pengene mine fra lommeboken min men for ekte prøve dette nye kortspillet ut og den kuleste ting er japansk og oss får alt kortspillet introduserer samtidig, slik at ingen venter som andre kortspill. Jeg kunne snakke om dette kortspillet hele dagen så bare se for deg selv, og jeg vedder på at du ikke vil angre på det. En av de få lovende spillene som skal være i horisonten. Jeg testet det, det er veldig morsomt og raskt å plukke opp. Det vil være interessant å se hvor det går. Med så mange verden å velge mellom, blir dette spillet mer og mer moro. De 10 startende livene varer nå lenger enn før. Etter mange år med å spille pokemon, magi og yugi følte jeg kalk, jeg trenger en forandring. Buddyfight tilbyr en enkel å lære, vanskelig å mestre aproach i et svært lavt budsjett-du kan bygge en solid dekk med 100-. Reglene er enkle og klare, og det er veldig lett å plukke opp. Men for meg som kortspiller som utmerker meg mer, er det med riktig twinking at nesten alle dekkene kan være konkurransedyktige, og hver eneste verden mellom de 12 tilgjengelige gir en unik spillestil som dekker all smak. Ikke flere banelister, ikke mer 1000 dekk som etter 1 sesong er forbudt og ubrukelig. Buddyfight handler om moro og kreativitet, og jeg anbefaler det til alle som lpves tcgs Dette spillet er så enkelt, og alle bakugan har unike funksjoner, noe som gjør det til et veldig morsomt spill å spille. Jeg mener Magic og Yu Gi Oh er gøy, men dette spillet er bare redusert til enkelhet. Også, det er stadig mange bakugan med høy effekt Gs at du kan finne dem nesten hvor som helst. Ingen forstår strategien i dette spillet, Im 35 uten noen mentale problemer, og jeg spiller fortsatt dette med pappa Dette spillet skal definitivt være i topp fem Jeg har spilt dette lenge, og det er veldig gøy jeg har som 100 bakugan 13 Ringenes Herre TCG Foruten å være mye moro, krever det mye å tenke på. Prøv å spille for en time uten å gjøre noen feil. Virkelig god spillmekanikk og veldig morsomt å leke med venner Det er min favoritt tcg og jeg er lei meg, det ble avsluttet Alt har et kortspill Hearthstone er veldig fantastisk. Jeg tror at det senere er et nytt spill som heter Hex, kan være bedre enn det, men for nå er det en morsom og enkel tidsspiller og er et av de beste kortspillene der ute. Det eneste jeg kunne kritisere er sin langsiktige appell, men de legger til noen nye spillmoduser og kort også. Flott kortspill for de som ønsker en første opplevelse til strategiske kortspill eller veteraner som ønsker å ødelegge. 889 kort er i spillet, med en annen 45 offisielt kommer ut om 3 eller 4 uker. Det virtuelle aspektet gir mange kule animasjoner og lydeffekter, som spilles på mange forskjellige brett med mange forskjellige helter og mange forskjellige mekanikker. Hva hearthstone tilbyr at ingen andre kortspill kan være RNG, hvor noen ganger sannsynligheten kan bestemme et kritisk øyeblikk i spillet. I løpet av få måneder blir det 1 populært Uh ingen hjertehår ville være nummer 1 ikke 14, ikke sikker på hvor du får dataene dine fra. Lol Ignorer lisensen og dette spillet har en av de beste kortspillmotorer som er opprettet. Det er fra en tid da hvert spill ikke prøvde å bare være Magic 2.0. Hvis du nylig har kommet inn i kortspill, eller aldri ventet langt fra Magic land, gi dette spillet en sjanse til å se hvor morsomt Card Games kan være. Dette spillet har nylig fått en omstart, og jeg må si det er fantastisk. Panini kjøpte rettighetene og de strømlinjeformet spillet tonn som gjorde det bedre. Den opprinnelige dbz ccg var flott, men når vi kom til å like buu saga ble det latterlig. Spesielt gt. Gratis stil dekk og sensei dekk og alt dette crap at dette fantastiske kortspillet ikke trengte. gitt at det var flott med alt det, spillet er nå lett å hente så mye moro og strømlinjeforme jeg må innrømme at disse kortene er AWESOME. De er veldig morsomme, og jeg elsker å handle med dem. Disse kortene er fantastiske Great mechanics og et flott sett med kunst. Kampanjer var full kunst, og den imponerende detaljene i kortene fortjener et sted på denne listen. Selv om det er det vanskeligste spillet der ute, Dette spillet er flott Dumtest spill der ute zombier seriøst folk 19 VS System Marvel Dette var et flott kortspill og jeg savner å spille det. Jeg startet med bare en deckteam (Arkham Inmates), men nye tegn og mekanikk fikk meg til å kjøpe mye mer. Spillets regler var komplekse og gjort forskjellige typer taktikk mulig. Jeg leter fortsatt etter en ccg som kan erstatte den. FANTASTISK GAME Forferdelig skam at det sluttet å bli solgt i butikkene, selv om du fortsatt kan få nye sett via online-fellesskapet. 20 Harry Potter Trading Card Game Jeg er så trist at de stoppet den. (Jeg ønsker nesten å designe kort basert på de siste 5 bøkene og skrive dem ut for å leke sammen med pappa min, som vi gjorde for mange år siden. Harry Potter Trading Card Game (HPTCG) er en strategi og samlekortspill basert på den magiske World of the Harry Potter-romaner av JK Rowling. Opprettet av Wizards of the Coast i august 2001, var spillet designet for å konkurrere med Yu-Gi-Oh. Pokmon og Magic: The Gathering kortspill. Det ble utgitt for å falle sammen med utgivelsen av den første filmen i serien. Spillet ble rost for måten det nedsatte folk i Harry Potter-universet. På et tidspunkt var spillet det nest mest solgte leketøy i USA.
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